Chapter 12

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Felix's pov

I had been listening through the door of Cry's room to their conversation. The moment those words left Ohm's mouth, I had to stop myself from breaking this door down to get to him. 'He can't tell them! They'll misunderstand what actually happened was something I couldn't control.' I realized that I had started crying, tearing slowly running down my face at the thought of them hating me, especially Cry. Why did I care what they thought of me? Before I could think about it more, Ohm continued talking. "So, where to start. Oh, what about the fire? Did you know he could have stopped it but didn't? How cruel could someone be to not save their own family?" He started to cackle and busted out into laughter. Next, I heard a loud slap and the laughter stopped. "I don't believe you. Unless I hear it from Felix, it isn't true." I gasped as I recognized Cry's voice through the door. "I agree with Cry on this one," Snake said and Scott agreed also, causing me to gasp again.

'Do they believe in me that much?' I couldn't help but wonder. "If you ask him, he'll tell you the same. He didn't save them and left them to die! Unless he's too afraid to admit what he did," Ohm exclaimed. "Isn't that right Felix? I know you're here somewhere, listening to all of this." I cowered in fear, he knew I was here. I'm putting the others in danger by staying here. "Does it look like he's here?" Snake questioned. "I told you before that I didn't know where he was and I still don't. He left a while ago and didn't come back." Why doesn't Snake and the others just tell him I'm here? It would be easier for them and they could live their normal lives. I heard someone moving around and then silence for a few minutes. More movement sounds were made and then Cry said something that I didn't catch.

After about 30 minutes more of Ohm yelling and the others telling him to shut up, there was a knock at the door. I had sat on Cry's bed at this point, leaned against the wall farthest from the door. There was some talking from someone that I didn't recognize the voice of and Cry. Then Scott jumped into the conversation. Ohm was yelling but it faded after a few minutes, meaning he was taken from the house. Some more talking and then the door closing and silence. I heard a pawing at the door to Cry's room and Snake asking if he could come in. At first, I was going to tell him to go away, but thought better of it and opened the door for him before closing it again. He sat on the floor and didn't say anything for a minute. "If you aren't ready to tell us what happened, I understand, but was what Ohm said true? I personally don't believe him but I'd like to hear it from you," muttered Snake softly. I started to tear up as I thought more about it. "Yes, what he said was true, but it's not that I didn't want to save them. I didn't want to leave them there to die!" I exclaimed, tears freely running down my face. I started breathing heavy and didn't notice Snake calling for someone. Arms wrapped around me and a voice started hushing me softly. I was surprised nothing happened when the person touched me. 'I think they had a long-sleeved shirt on, protecting them from my touch.' I grabbed onto this person for dear life and breathed harshly. We slid to the floor with me on the guy's lap and I tried to control my breathing. I don't know how long we sat there, but I noticed Snake was gone. He was extremely warm against my cold body and I didn't want to warmth to go away.

"Are you feeling ok?" Cry's voice spoke. I turned to see that it was him that had helped me and became embarrassed. "Yeah, I think so, sorry for that." He nodded and I pulled away from him against my urge to hold him longer. "Do you have panic attacks often?" "Not since I was a kid. I get them now and then though." I remembered that I was in Cry's lap and started to blush, jumping out of his lap with an apology. He laughed and said not to worry about it, getting up and offering to help me up. I tried to stand up on my own, but noticed how tired I was when I fell back down. Cry caught me before I hit the floor and carried me to the bed, setting me down on it. "Stay here and sleep. You look like you could use it. We'll talk later," He said and turned to leave the room. I grabbed his arm, preventing him from leaving, and asked him to stay. I really didn't want to be alone. He stared for a minute before nodding and sitting on the bed next to me. I fell asleep with the thought of what the guys would do with me now.

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