Chapter 11

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Cry's pov

When I woke up the next morning and what happened last night hit me like a truck. Remembering what happened when Felix came into my room and talked about my parents. 'Why did I tell him anything about them?' I didn't want to think about them anymore and decided to go to my computer. I hung out for about an hour playing gmod, when a knock at the door caught my attention. "Come in," I said, returning to my game. "I can't open the door." I recognized the voice as Snake's and laughed as I went to open the door. He told me to shut up as he walked in with a huff, which only made me laugh more.

Felix walked in shortly after and asked why I was laughing so hard. Snake scolded while I told Felix what happened and he started laughing too. By the time we both stopped, I could see the fumes coming off Snake. "Anyway, what's up?" I asked Snake, turning to look at him. He seemed to have stopped being mad about what happened and continued with what he wanted to say. "I was wondering if it would be ok if I went back to the abandoned house." 'Always straight to the point. Wait what?' "Why do you want to go back to the house?" I asked him. Felix seemed confused as well by this, judging by his face from the corner of my eye. "I need to go and get something. Would you mind if I left for a few hours?" I thought about it for a few minutes and decided that it wasn't my job to make the decision. "If you want to then go. I don't control you so you do what you want, just at least let me know when you leave."

Snake seemed relieved and Felix still looked confused when I looked to him. I asked if he was ok and he said he was, just confused on the sudden topic. I shrugged and walked out to the kitchen. Felix was coming out behind me, along with Snake. I walked over to the back door and let him out. Snake ran off, leaving just me and Felix. I turned to him and asked him if he liked video games. He had a slow smile forming on his face and nodded. We pulled out the PS4 and played video games in the living room after making breakfast. My thoughts went back to Snake now and then, wondering if he was ok.

It had been about 5 hours since Snake left and I could tell Felix was worried. I told him I would be right back and went to my room and got my phone. Noticing a missed call from Scott, I decided to call him back. He answered almost immediately and started yelling about something in a panic. I told him to calm down and explain what was wrong. He calmed down a bit and rushed to get the words out. "Someone tried to break into my house! I think it was Ohm and I needed to talk to someone but Russ wasn't picking up either," He said in a panic. "Don't wait around in your house! Pack some stuff and come over to mine and we can talk about this," I ordered. He agreed and told me he would be over soon and hung up.

As soon as Scott got here, he sat down on the couch. I could see he was shaking, so I sat down and hugged him, telling him it was going to be ok. "Are you hurt at all?" "No. He didn't get far into the house before just running off. I bet he was looking for Felix," He whispered to me so Felix wouldn't overhear. I told him about the fact that Snake hadn't returned yet and he said we should go look for him. I agreed and I told Felix we would be back soon. We headed over in Scott's car and saw the door was wide open. Dread began to fill me as we walked up to the door and entered the house. Heading straight to the room upstairs we saw it. Snake laying on the floor with a person hovering over him. "Get away from him!" Scott yelled, tackling the person. I ran over to Snake and saw he was still alive and didn't seemed to have any major injuries. Scott knocked out the person and I walked over to see who it was. It was Ohm. 'What the hell was he doing here? And with Snake?'

I looked around the entire house with my phone flashlight for anything I could use to tie him up. Luckily, I found a small rope in the living room. We moved Snake to the car and tied Ohm up and did the same with him. As soon as we arrived back at my house, Felix started asking us where we went. When he saw Snake, he broke into tears, demanding who did this to him. "It was Ohm. We tied him up though and he's out cold in the car," I told him slowly. 'I hope he doesn't freak out.' Felix's eyes widened in fear as he looked over us for a minute. "He's here?" I nodded and he sprinted across the room and ending up running into my bedroom and slamming the door. I flinched at the sound but didn't say anything. Scott and I patched up the minor scrapes on Snake and soon after he woke up. He seemed startled by the sudden change in environment but settled when he saw us. "How did I get here? Where's Ohm and Felix?" "Felix is in Cry's room and Ohm is tied up in my car," Scott answered with no emotion at all. It kind of scared me a bit.

"Enough about that. What happened to you? We were worried sick!" I half shouted at him. He looked down in shame before replying, "I went back to the house and ended up getting jumped by Ohm. He asked me where Felix was and since I wouldn't tell him, he kept me at the house and probably planned to kill me at some point." "He'll pay for doing this," Scott said with anger clear in his voice. I nodded in agreement and we went back out to the car to get Ohm. He hadn't woken up yet, so we carried him into the house and put him in a chair in the living room. We both sat on the couch and waited for him to wake up. The moment he did, he looked at me and smirked, saying, "Oh hey I remember you.It's Cry, right? And I can't believe you're here Scott! I thought you would still be at your house crying!" I had to control my urge to punch him. "How did you learn my name?" "Oh, it wasn't hard to find out when I looked up a description of you and found a lovely picture of you. How are your parents by the way?" He asked with a cackle. I was fuming at this point and Scott got up and decked Ohm. I would have to thank him later. "Why don't you just hand over Felix and I'll leave you all alone? I know that you know where he is," He said after a minute. "Like hell we'd tell you anything," Snake spoke up from the floor. He was sitting next to the couch,watching Ohm intently. "Ok well how about I tell you something? Let's be nostalgic, shall we?" We all looked at him as if he was insane, which I think he was. "I doubt you know anything else about us," Scott said, annoyed at Ohm. He grinned widely, "Oh, I'm not talking about your pasts. I'm talking about Felix's."

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