Chapter 15

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Ken's pov

"This race is known to have a touch so cold, it could kill you if touched for too long. The reason I am talking about this is because Felix is a part of this race." Everything seemed to slow down at that moment. Nobody spoke, just watched and listened as Minx continued. "It seems that this is a rare occurrence and there are two ways people will handle this. First, they will protect the child and watch out for it. Loving it and showing that it isn't alone in the world. The second however, will completely disown their child, turn their back on it and never show it love. The child grows up alone and bitter, until it dies by itself, hating the world." Felix spoke first, "Are there any other races like this?" "I believe there is. I need to look into it more though," I replied.

Felix nodded and leaned against the guy in the mask. One of the guys started to speak that was sitting on a chair. "So, is that why you don't touch others Felix?" "Yes, Scott. I knew that I was cold to the touch and therefore didn't touch any of you until Cry helped me with that panic attack." "You had a panic attack?" I asked, looking to Felix. He just nodded. "There is more that we found out. Ken? Would you like to continue?" Minx spoke out. "Sure. So, we found that this race can supposedly be touched by another race though this isn't confirmed to be true. I haven't found much on this other race yet but I'll keep looking. Felix's race had found ways to live with others for centuries. Some people didn't trust them and became hunters. Tracking them down and killing them. I believe that is what Ohm was and why he was after Felix. This is about all we have found about them since information is scarce." "If you find anything else, please let me know," Felix leaned forward slightly towards me, or my screen at least. I nodded with a smile, "Will do." Shortly after Minx said goodbye and left the house, she spoke to me while driving. "Should we have told them about that other race?" "No. I think it was better to leave it alone for now. We need to know more about them first."

Felix's pov

After Minx and Ken left, we all sat in silence in the living room. Nobody said anything for a while and it made me nervous. I finally looked up at everyone and broke the silence. "Are you guys going to ever say anything." "I think we're just in shock from all of this information about you. I, for one, don't think any different of you," Cry said while looking at me. "I don't think differently of you either," Said Snake. Scott and Russ agreed. This made me feel better, knowing they don't hate me now. "I do wonder about that other race they were talking about," Scott spoke up. "I agree with that. Hopefully, they find out something soon," Russ agreed. We decided after all of this, we were going to go to bed and talk tomorrow. Russ and Scott went home. Cry asked me to come to his room to talk about something. I still slept on the couch since there weren't any other rooms in the house.

When I walked in, he was sitting on his bed with his knees pulled to his chest. I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him, trying to comfort him. I knew that he had experienced a nightmare and needed someone there for him. He wouldn't be like this if that wasn't the case. I heard him start sobbing quietly as he hugged me back. "It was so real Felix. It's like they were there in front of me all over again." I pulled him to my chest and let him cry and whispered comforting words to him. We sat there for a while until Cry calmed down enough to speak. "Do you want to talk about it?" "It's the same one as before, reliving that day over and over again." I frowned and pulled away to cup his face. He wasn't wearing his mask and I could see his face. I kissed along his scar and down to his lips. He returned in kind and wrapped his arms around my neck, his hand twirled with the hair there. I pulled away, causing Cry to whine softly. I smiled at him and laid down with him next to me. "Cry, they won't get to you. I'm here for you. You aren't alone in this, even in your dreams." I felt Cry smile against me and my heart swelled. He snuggled into me and fell asleep, his breath evening out. 'Too cute.' Was my last thought before falling asleep myself.

Scott's pov

Snake and I returned home and hung out in my room. I had gotten a little bed for Snake to sleep on. We talked about the things we learned about Felix before I asked Snake about himself. "You said you would tell us your story someday. Are you ever going to explain it?" Snake sighed and looked down at his paws before looking back up. "This isn't going to be easy to explain." "Explain it to the best of your ability." "So, I wasn't always a wolf. An old scientist used to kidnap children and experiment on them. I... was one of those kids that got taken. I didn't have anyone and therefore was the perfect candidate. I escaped after the scientist was exposed and stripped of everything. I never found out how to return to my original state and am now stuck as a wolf. It's been hard, but I've been ok so far. You guys made it easier to deal with, especially you, Scott." I got more horrified as he told his story. 'Who could do this to an innocent child?' As his tale came to an end, I started to blush. 'We helped him? Especially me? Why me specifically?'

"How could I have possibly helped you?" Snake jumped up to my bed and laid on my lap slightly. "You reminded me of my humanity. The instincts of a wolf can take over my judgement and watching you reminded me of who and what I am." I rubbed his head gently. "I wish I knew you before you went through all of that. I bet you were a great person." He didn't reply and just curled up on me. I laid back and allowed him to lay on me. I fell asleep with Snake on my lap, rubbing his head. When I woke up, Snake was already awake. "Good morning, Snake," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "Good morning, Scott." "I was wondering if it was ok if I told the others about what you told me last night? Or at least Cry," I asked. Snake seemed to hesitate for a minute. "Yeah, that's ok. It's about time I told them anyway." I nodded and left to make something to eat before heading over to Cry's.

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