Chapter 8

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Felix's pov

How I got into this situation, I don't know. Why did I allow them to talk me into going to this guy's house? I don't even his name, how could I trust him? We were walking to a car that belonged to the brown hair and glasses. He got into the driver seat, black hair in the front, and me, the mask guy, and Snake in the back. It took about half an hour to arrive at the mask guy's house I assume. As we got out of the car, I started asking questions. Hey, you guys know my name but what's yours?" Mask guy responded first, "Cry," he pointed to brown hair and glasses, "Russ," and finally to black hair, "and Scott." I nodded in response before taking in the house. It wasn't big but not small either, it had a window that looked into what seemed to be a living room and a brown, wooden front door. The house itself seemed to be a light blue color and a one-story. Cry walked up to the front door and unlocked it, letting all of us in.

We entered the living room that had a table, couch, tv, and a hallway leading down to two other doors. To the left was a small kitchen with all the normal kitchen stuff in it. The house was homey, I'll give it that. "The kitchen doesn't have much food in it since I have to go shopping, but use whatever you want that's there. The bathroom is the first door down the hallway and the second is my room. I have a blow-up bed if you want that or you can sleep on the couch," Cry told me while walking around the couch to the small closet and pulling out a blanket. "I can just sleep on the couch but can I use the shower?" I asked nervously. I hate being in new environments and around new people. It just makes me uncomfortable and worried at the same time. "Sure, use whatever is in there and I can go shopping tomorrow and get stuff for you to use," Cry said distractedly. He seemed to be trying to find something but I ignored it and went to the bathroom.

I leaned against the door and looked around the small bathroom. Just a regular toilet and shower with a linen closet sink. I noticed a drop of something red on the sink and when I looked closer, I saw it was blood. 'Why would that be here?' I decided to just take my shower, I really needed one. I got in a sighed as the warm water ran over me. I grabbed whatever was available to use and cleaned myself. I was about to get out when I heard a knock. "What?" I called out. "I have some clothes for you until I can get some for you," I heard Cry say as he opened the door and laid some clothes on the sink counter. "Ok, thanks." "Sure thing," Cry said and closed the door, leaving me to finish my shower. I got out shortly after. I put on the clothes Cry gave me, A green shirt and gray sweat pants, and walked out. I didn't have any underwear so I just went without it. Everyone was in the living room talking when I came in. Cry and Russ were sitting on the couch, Scott on a chair from the table, and Snake on the floor between them. I noticed the blanket under Snake and smiled to myself. 'How sweet, Cry.' I walked over to them and heard that they were talking about Snake's food choices.

"I eat just about whatever, cooked or raw, doesn't matter to me," Snake said. "Do you have anything you like in particular?" Cry asked. "I like beef," Snake said and turned to me. "Oh, hey Felix, we were just talking about food and what not. Is there anything you want me to get you food wise tomorrow?" Cry asked as I stood beside the couch. Russ scooted over so I could sit down and I smiled at him in thanks and I took a seat. "I really like fish and potatoes," I said to Cry. Oh really? So do I," Cry responded with a small laugh. I laughed a bit at that,"Well I guess we'll get along just fine then," I said, laughing a bit harder."That we will, friend." I was worried about all of this but now I think it'll be ok. After talking for a while, Russ and Scott said they needed to go since it was late and that they would stay in contact. Cry hugged them and locked the door after they left. It was just the three of us now. "We should probably try to get some sleep," Cry said as he looked at me. I nodded and said goodnight as I started to lay down on the couch. Snake curled up on the blanket laid on the floor and closed his eyes. Cry said goodnight as he walked back to his room."If you need anything, just ask me." "Ok I will, thanks," I responded. I closed my eyes and almost instantly fell into a deep sleep.    

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