Chapter 5

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Cry's pov

"Why though? I don't understand why he would want to," I said to Felix as he turned around. He stopped and stood for a minute before asking, "Why do you want to know? It has nothing to do with you. I wouldn't get involved if I were you unless you want to get hurt." He continued walking back the way he came and disappeared into the bushes. "Don't take it personally guys. He's been like that since everything that happened I assume. I don't know what exactly happened to him but it wasn't good," Snake said after a minute. "I didn't bother to ask before but who are you guys anyway?" He asked Russ and I. "This is Russ and I'm Cry," I responded

"Are you guys like, friends or something?" Russ asked Snake. "Kind of. I met him when he first came here. He seemed very standoffish the moment I met him. He seems to have warmed up to me but he doesn't tell me much." I was thinking about going after him, but Russ mentioned that it was getting late. Snake told us that if we wanted to talk to him again that we should come back to the abandoned house tomorrow. We left the house shortly after and headed back to my house.

After we arrived, we went inside and dropped on the couch in my living room. My living room wasn't much, a tv, a small table, a black couch, and a window that looked out to the front yard. After a few minutes, my phone started going off. I looked at it to see that Scott was calling. I answered and Scott started yelling that he's been trying to get ahold of Russ and I for the last couple of hours and was wondering where the hell we were. I told him to come over to my house and we would explain.

After Scott came over and we explained what happened today, he just sat there looking at us before talking. "What did this Ohm guy look like?" "I Couldn't see much but I think he had brown hair. The mask covered his face and it was too dark to see what he was wearing." Scott seemed nervous at that so I asked what was wrong. Scott looked at me and said something that made my blood run cold. "I think I saw who you were talking about when I was heading over. He was walking down the side of the street. I don't know what he was doing though. Maybe looking for Felix?" He said quietly and rushed. "That would mean he is still around the area," Russ said. "I think we should go see Snake again tomorrow and try to figure out more. Felix said that we shouldn't get involved, but I think I was already involved the moment Ohm attacked me," I said to them both. They agreed to meet up with me tomorrow and head over to the abandoned house around 6 pm. It was late so we decided to call it a night.

I said goodbye to Scott and Russ as they headed out to their cars. I then went to my room and laid down on my bed. I kept thinking about the events of today. Felix really intrigues me and I can't figure out why. It's like he's a walking mystery and I want to solve it. 'I guess I can't if I don't get any sleep.' I eventually fell asleep and went into my dream world. Unfortunately, my dream world was filled with nightmares.

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