Chapter 14

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Minx's pov

Everyone seemed relieved after Felix explained that I was a friend of his, not an enemy. After explaining what was going on, I realized that I knew where Ohm's hideout was. I had seen him go into it once before. I voiced this out to the others and they jumped up, all saying to lead the way. I remembered it was near the town, but out of sight to avoid being spotted. Once we got there, everyone froze at the entrance to a cave. "This isn't far from my house," Scott said, fear in his voice. "That would explain why he broke into your house then. You were the closest to him, the easiest target," Cry said, grabbing onto Scott by the shoulder to comfort him. "Hopefully there is something here," Felix said, walking forward into the cave to start looking around. I followed closely, watching for any traps. Everyone followed us inside and once we found nothing to be worried about, we started looking through everything.

I was looking through a computer, Felix had a bunch of papers stacked in front of him with Snake next to him, and Cry, Scott, and Russ were looking through a trunk near the bed. I found something interesting in some of Ohm's files and called Felix over quietly. I didn't want the others to see this unless Felix said it was ok. He came over and I showed him the screen, not saying a word. I watched his face contort in horror at what he saw. It was all information about him and what he was. Apparently, he is part of magical race that was thought to be extinct. It isn't known what they are called, but they basically have a freezing touch to people and animals. Objects are ok to touch though. 'How was he born with this though? His family could touch others just fine.' I didn't voice my thought and turned to look at the others before going back to Felix. He had finished reading and looked at the ground. He then looked up at me and mouthed something before turning back to the papers he was looking at. "Please don't tell the others yet."

After a while of looking at stuff, we headed back to the cars, leaving all the stuff there for now. Nobody seemed to notice that I took the computer and stuck it in my jacket. As we walked back, I pulled Felix to walk beside me, out of hearing distance of the others. "Have you not told any of them what you a capable of?" I asked, turning to Felix. "Cry is the only one that knows," He responded. "I don't want them to know what you found yet. I need time to think it over first." I nodded, "I respect your decision and if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask me. I'm here for you if you need me." We continued to walk for a bit before I spoke up again. "Oh, I wanted to give this to you." Felix looked at me, reaching his hand out to take a phone from me. "I told you not to do this for me!" He half shouted at me with a smile on his face. "You needed one so I got you one. I told you I would when we first became close friends, didn't I?" I smiled as Felix fiddled around with his new phone. He stopped and hugged me, saying "thank you" nonstop. I laughed and hugged him back. We made it back to the cars and I said my goodbyes before I got into my car and drove off.

Cry's pov

We saw Minx drive off and headed back to my house shortly after. Russ went back to his house, saying he would come over tomorrow. The rest of us went to sleep once we entered the house. Scott took the blow-up bed with Snake, Felix took the couch, and I went to my room. I woke up before everyone else and was left with my thoughts. Felix acted strange after we left the cave. He had a look in his eyes that made me feel uneasy. I wanted to ask him if he was ok, but he was talking to Minx and I didn't want to intrude. "Hopefully, something didn't happen at the cave," I mumbled to myself. As soon as I did, a knock was at my door. I glanced at the clock to see that it was almost 11:30. "Come in." Scott walked into the room and sat down on the bed. "I think something is wrong with Felix." I sat up and glanced at the door, then back to Scott. "What do you mean?" I asked. "When I woke up, he was mumbling something about not telling us something. He was begging someone not to. I don't know who though." Scott looked to me, a worried expression on his face.

"I thought since you are closest to him, maybe you could ask him about it sometime." "It's worth a shot to try. I can ask about it later and see if he tells me anything." "Ok, thanks. I'm making breakfast now if you want to help me. Snake and Felix aren't awake yet," Scott said, getting up and walking towards the door. I got up to follow and helped him make breakfast. The other two woke up and ate soon after. We returned to the cave and continued to look around. Minx didn't show up today so we searched without her. Felix seemed to be in his own world, absentmindedly looking through the papers. I walked over to him and sat down, nudging him a bit. He looked at me and smiled softly.

"Are you ok?" I asked him. "Yeah why?" "Scott told me he heard you having a nightmare this morning. I just wanted to make sure you were ok and if you wanted to talk about it, I'm here to listen." He paused for a minute and looked at the paper in his hand. "I'm ok really. I need to sort this out and then I can tell you. I just can't right now," He said with guilt in his voice. It hurt me a bit to hear that he couldn't tell me and I think he sensed it too. "It's not that I don't trust you. I really do." I nodded and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "When you're ready, I'm here. I'm not going to force you to explain yourself. Let me know if you need anything, ok?" "You'll probably be the first to know." I smiled at that and got back up to help Scott and Russ.

Felix's pov

I felt bad for not telling Cry what I'm going through but I needed to get my thoughts in order. After going through so many papers that didn't mean anything, we went back to Cry's house. We kept going back to the cave for week now and haven't found anything other than what Minx showed me on the computer. We've been talking about it and the meaning of it. Minx found out that the unnamed race can be born to anyone. Their powers don't show for about a year after birth to not raise suspicion of the children. They have a freezing touch, can control ice, and turn water to ice. They always feel cold to anyone who does touch them, even through clothes. It makes me think about Cry's situation. 'Is he part of a race like mine? That would explain why he burns the people he touches.' I haven't told Minx about Cry since it isn't my place. I also don't want to lose the trust between us.

We stopped going to the cave since we couldn't find anything useful. I found out that Ohm was on trial and found guilty. He went to jail and I'll never see him again. This was probably the best news I've heard in a while. I told Minx she could tell the others about what she found on the computer. We agreed to meet up tomorrow and tell them about what we've found out. I told Cry to invite Scott and Russ over to talk about it, which he did. Scott had returned home after hearing about Ohm. Snake decided to go and live with Scott. They had grown closer and if Snake wasn't a wolf, they'd make an amazingly cute couple. Cry and I had also gotten very close over the time spent together. I officially moved in with him and we kiss every now and then. We haven't established a relationship yet and are just going with the flow.

Tomorrow came a little too fast for my liking. Everyone was gathered in the living room, except Minx. She wasn't here yet but should be in a few minutes. It was silent as everyone sat around, waiting. When she did finally arrive, she was carrying the computer she took from Ohm's place. I made space for her to sit next to me on the couch with Cry. Russ, Scott, and Snake sat in chairs or on the floor in Snake's case. "I know that you all want to know what I have to say, but before I go on, I want to introduce you to someone. She turned the screen around and I gasped at who I saw. "Ken?!?!" I exclaimed. Ken smiled and waved into the camera. "Hey Felix. Hello everyone, I'm Ken and a friend of Felix and Minx. I've been helping Minx find information on the topic of today's meet up." Everyone said hi in response and Minx cleared her throat. "So, let's start this. We were able to find out why Ohm had his eyes set on Felix. He is a part of a thought to be extinct race. This race doesn't have an official name but is known to have powers." Minx looked at me for a minute, silently asking if she could continue. I nodded and she looked back to everyone, continuing. "This race is known to have a touch so cold, it could kill you if touched for too long. The reason I am talking about this is because Felix is a part of this race."

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