Chapter 16

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Cry's pov

I woke up to Felix laying next to me, arms around my waist and my head on his chest. I looked to his face and couldn't help but smile. 'So cute when asleep' I closed my eyes and listened to his heart beat until he woke up. His eyes fluttered and he smiled at me. "Good morning, Cry." "Good morning, Felix." I smiled back at him, pulling him closer to me and putting our lips together briefly. I looked to the clock and realized that the others would be coming soon and told Felix to get up. He moped the entire time, making me laugh as we got ready. He laughed as we left the room and made some food before everyone arrived. After eating, we hung out in the living room, watching tv. Felix and I started to get on the computer to look for anything about this unnamed race when the doorbell went off. I went to answer the door as Felix continued on the computer. I opened it to reveal Russ and let him in. He brought his own computer and we all looked for any information.

Scott and Snake came later on and pitched in. We searched for hours and didn't find anything. Russ spoke out when we were just about to stop. "I think I found something! Guys come here." We all gathered around Russ and looked at his screen. "So, this other race is known as the Flame Keepers. They used to be the sworn enemy of the Ice Keepers and the two fought for centuries. I think that's what you are, Felix, an Ice Keeper." I looked to see Felix nod slowly, but remained quiet. "Flame Keepers seem to be the opposite of the Ice Keepers, being hot to the touch and controlling flames. It says here that the two races came to a compromise and stopped fighting. It says both races are extinct now, but we know that isn't true regarding the Ice Keepers," Russ said, looking to Felix briefly.

"I wonder if Minx knew about this," Felix said. "Wouldn't she have told us if she knew?" Scott questioned. "I'll talk to her about it," Felix said back, turning to grab his phone, and walked out of the room. We waited for him to come back, not saying anything else to each other. Felix entered the room and told us Minx asked to meet with us at the abandoned house in an hour. We headed over to see Minx talking to someone. They turned to us and I recognized him as Ken. "Minx walked up to us and started to speak. "I think we need to talk about this in person." "Talk about what, exactly?" Snake asked. "The races. We found out about the two and I think we should tell you the whole story. I needed time to figure out how it all worked before telling you guys. I told Minx not to tell you guys about it yet, but it seems you found out about them anyway." Ken spoke, his voice calm. "Well, let's start then."

Minx's pov

Ken and I lead them to the lake and looked out for a minute before starting. "So, to add to what you already know, the Flame Keepers and Ice Keepers came to have peace between the two. The reason that happened was one from each race fell in love. The names of these two are unknown, but when they fell in love, the two fought against their races to be together. Long story short, they won and brought the races together and lived happily ever after." "How did they even fall in love with each other if they couldn't touch each other?" Scott asked incredulously.

I looked at him and continued. "Normally they couldn't touch others, but because the two races had opposite touches, fire and ice, when they came into contact with each other, it created steam. The touches negated and didn't affect the other." I saw Felix tense and made a mental note to ask him about it later. "When we told you about the Ice Keepers not showing their powers at birth and how the parents act towards them, it's the same with Flame Keepers. If the races mate, it has a higher chance of the child becoming the same as them, but the chance of having a child of one race is possible for anyone, but very rare." Ken added. The others continued to ask questions and Ken and I answered them to the best of our abilities. One question from Cry caught me off guard. "Were either of these races evil?" I thought about it for a minute before replying, "I guess they weren't. The Flame Keepers tried to conquer and the Ice Keepers did the same. If you consider the Flame Keepers killing more than the Ice Keepers evil, then I guess the Flame Keepers were a little bit." Cry nodded at the information, but remained quiet the rest of the time we were there.

When we left the lake and said our goodbyes, I stopped Felix and pulled him off to the side. "Hey, why were you so tense when I was explaining the touch between the two races?" I asked, getting straight to the point. Felix looked at me with a mixture of fear and surprise. "I... can't tell you that." I blinked before narrowing my eyes at him. "And why is that?" He looked away from me and spoke nervously. "Because it isn't my story to tell." I was taken aback at this. 'Does Felix know someone that could be a Flame Keeper?' I thought to myself. I voiced my thought to him but got no response. I shook my head a bit and made Felix look at me. "If you know someone who could be a Flame Keeper, you have to tell me." Felix opened his mouth but I cut him off. "That would mean you could be happy with someone. I want that for you and you know that." I said with a wide smile. I pulled him into a hug and when I pulled away and saw his face, I laughed. He looked so horror struck and I couldn't help but laugh at him. He formed a small smile and thanked me. "I'll tell you someday, I promise." I nodded and walked off with a smile on my face. 'Felix could finally be happy with someone.'

Felix's pov

I knew after all of this I needed to talk to Cry. I wanted to tell Minx, but it wasn't my place to say. We went home and I asked Cry if we could talk. He agreed and we walked to his room and sat on his bed like we always did. Everyone had gone home for the day and it was the perfect time to ask him. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Cry said, sounding distracted and upset. "I think you know what I wanted to talk about. Do you think you could be a Flame Keeper?" Cry shook his head and sounded like he was ready to cry when he spoke again. "I refuse to accept it." "Why?" I turned to him and wrapped an arm around him. "It would mean this was all my fault, what happened to my family and why they hated me. I'm truly a monster." He took a shaky breath and pulled away from me. I grabbed his shoulder, pulling him to face me and lifted his mask off his face. Tears that hadn't fallen yet were in his eyes.

"You aren't a monster and it wasn't your fault. Your parents abandoned you and you didn't cause it to happen. Picking how you're born isn't possible." I leaned in to kiss him softly and felt the tears fall. His face was wet, but I ignored it, cupping his face in my hands and pushing my feeling through our kiss. Cry returned these feelings and when I pulled away, his tears completely fell. He buried his face in my chest and cried. "You may be broken, Cry, but I'm going to put you back together. You were cheated of a happy life and I think it's time to give you that happiness you deserve," I whispered in his ear, kissing the top of his head. "O-ok. You'll s-stay with me?" Cry managed to hiccup out. "If I wasn't going to stay with you, would I be here now?" Cry pulled back and pulled me into a lustful kiss. We rubbed out tongues together and wrapped our arms around the other. Steam was coming off our bodies as I laid Cry down and crawled onto him. "I want you, need you, all of you." Cry gasped out through the kiss. I smiled and pulled away to nibble on his ear. Cry let gasps out as I went from his ear to his neck, looking for his sweet spot. "Are you sure, Cry? You can't go back after this and I don't think I could stop myself." Yes, Felix, please!" He cried out. I smirked against his neck. "Very well." I bit hard into his neck marking him as mine, causing him to cry out loudly.


Sorry for not updating sooner, I got a bit of writers block and couldn't think of what to do. I hope this chapter isn't too boring either. I don't think I'm going to do any smut for this though. Maybe in the future, but I've never written it before. See you in the next chapter!


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