Chapter 18

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Snake's pov

I heard a shatter from around and under me. I feel weird too. I opened my eyes to find myself on the ground, looking to the ceiling. I felt different though, and lifted my.... Hand? I quickly sat up and looked at myself. I'm human! I looked over to see Minx running towards me with a smile on her face. 'Where are Cry and Felix?' I looked over to see them on the floor, not getting up. Minx helped me to my feet and walked over to them. She looked at Felix first and saw he was fine. Cry on the other hand, was hot to even stand near. Minx looked worried and suggested we wake up Felix. I crouched near him and shook him slowly. "Felix, wake up." When he didn't wake, I shook him again. "Felix, something is wrong with Cry. You need to wake up."

After a few minutes, Felix woke up, opening his eyes slowly. When he saw me, his eyes widened and he sat up. "Snake? Is that you?" I smiled with a small nod. He smiled wide and hugged me, bouncing with excitement and tears running down his face. 'He doesn't feel as cold as he did before,' I thought as he spoke. "I can't believe this worked! I'm so happy for you, Snake!" Minx cleared her throat to get our attention. "Felix, Cry is burning up and his heat is too strong for me to go near him. I don't know what's going on with him." Felix stood up and ran to Cry, dropping by his side. "Cry? Can you hear me at all?" Felix said, panicked. Cry didn't respond which worried us more. "Can you guys give me a minute, please?" Felix looked to us with a pleading look. Minx looked like she was about to protest, but I spoke first. "Sure, Felix. Call if you need us." I grabbed Minx and pulled her away from them. "Before you say anything, I will explain. Cry has only opened up to Felix. Cry can only be touched by Felix. We aren't of any use to them right now. If he needs us, he'll call us. Let's give them some space." Minx seemed to be about to object, but sighed. "Ok. I trust you," She muttered.

Cry's pov

After I hit the ground, blacking out, I woke up in a place full of fire. Everything was burning and all was silent. The heat didn't bother me though. What did bother me was the fact that I was alone, without Felix. 'Where am I?' I decided to walk around and see if I could find someone. "Felix? Minx? Snake? ANYONE?" I yelled out. No answer. I continued to walk for what felt like decades. I suddenly heard a voice. "Cry? Can you hear me at all?" "Felix? Felix, I'm here!" I screamed, but nothing replied. 'I don't think he can hear me.' I continued to walk towards where I thought the voice came from. My surroundings changed as I walked on. The ground started to shake and fell apart. I almost fell in but grabbed the edge before I did. As I pulled myself up, the voices of my parents started yelling at me. "You should just die! You were a mistake!" I froze, "Mom?" "Why are you here again? Oh right, you deserve to be here and suffer!" My father screamed. I looked around but didn't see them anywhere. I leaned against a busted building and covered my ear, trying to block out their voices. They only seemed to get louder, telling me to suffer and die alone, that I was unloved and forever would be. Tears ran down my face and I screamed, "You're wrong!" They just laughed and continued to torment me.

'Where's Felix?' "I'm right here." I gasped, looking up to see Felix standing in front of me, a sad smile on his face. He held a hand out to me. "You look like you could use some help, Cry. Don't believe them. They're lying to you about everything." "But what if they aren't! What if everyone else is lying to me! Telling me they care about me, when they don't!" I screamed, more tears running down my face. Felix crouched down to my level and reached to touch me. I flinched away from him, afraid of him and closing my eyes. How did I even know if he was real? "Even after everything, you still think of me this way? I thought you trusted me." I opened my eyes to see a frown on his face. It broke my heart to pieces to see him upset. "It's not that I don't trust you-" "It is and you know it." He cut me off angrily. "Why do you lie about it? You don't trust me and I can accept that. Don't lie to me about it!" I shrunk back into myself. I didn't know what to do at this point. Felix just stared at me, not saying anything else, before standing up and turning away from me. "When you are ready to accept me and yourself, come find me. You only have a certain amount of time though. Your body is burning up and will soon die, unless you accept this reality and go back," Felix said, walking away from me into the flames.

'What do I do?' I sat there for so long, thinking about what Felix told me. Eventually, I stood up and walked the same way Felix did. I walked for a while until I saw him standing at a cliff side. He didn't look to me when he spoke. "Are you ready to accept reality? That someone can love you and touch you?" He asked me. I didn't respond for a minute, thinking about everything Felix had done for me. All the things he told me and I told him in return. How could I possibly not trust him? I looked to Felix, seeing he had turned around, and nodded. He smiled and started to walk towards me reaching his hand out. I grabbed it and light flashed between us, pulling us in. Next thing I know, I'm laying on the ground with the real Felix crying on my chest softly, begging me to wake up.

Felix's pov

After they left, I removed Cry's mask to see his face, caressing it softly. "Cry? I know you're in there somewhere. Please come back," I said, on the verge of tears. I grabbed his hand and felt the heat coming from it, stronger from before. It almost hurt me to touch him with how hot he was right now. I small light emitted from out conjoined hands. 'I hope you're ok, Cry. Just come back unharmed.' I lowered my hand to his chest and laid there. After a few minutes, I heard a soft gasp and my head shot up. Cry's eyes were open, but dazed, looking at the ceiling then turning to me slowly. "Felix?" He croaked out. I smiled softly at him. "Yeah, I'm here, Cry." This caused him to smile back at me. "I'm so glad you're ok," I said with tears in my eyes, slowly falling down my face. Cry reached his hand up to wipe them away. I leaned into his soft, warm hand, closing my eyes. When I opened them, I said the last thing before Cry closed his eyed, nodding. "Let's go home."

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