Spending Time with that Special Someone

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The night's I spend with Her are perfect
Something one could only hope for
With the company She brings
Her hazel green eyes
That long blonde hair
The dim pink lips that dot mine
The time we spend is absolute bliss
A happiness I'd never thought possible
Despite the craving when she's  gone
The texts good morning, those saying good night
The ones of 'I love you's when I tell her sleep tight
She keeps my mind wandering
Beckoning for Her gaze
The affection She brings
Leaves me feeling fazed
A life ever after
The hardships at hand
A life full of love
Seeing concerts, watching bands
The sky lights, the ball games
The warm hugs, She loves me
I find myself thralled
With hopes for a "we"
When my eyes do meet Hers
And my lips to the same
I hope it comes sooner
Waiting till She calls my name

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