An Annuad to My Love

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"I am now lonely"

"Woe is me"

"For I am without my love"

Sadness trickles down my cheek as a raindrop doth a brow

I shall surely perish without her soft gentle touch

For she is the light of all things, the early morning dew atip my petals, and the loving embrace of one to another

But I sulk her passing, as I hope she never leaves

Nevermore I plead that she leave be, for I cannot find stride in peace without her warmth

As it stills the ails to my bleeding heart and stitches the wound within my swollen bosom

I find my sense reminiscing memories of old and she plagues softly each and every thought passing by

As I am lonely now I write to thee, to never leave your sweet

"For woe is me"

I am without not justly love, but my just love

As she is mine, I lease ye to come again

To float like the wings of a butterfly into my garden

To feed on the sweetness I provide to her, a love unfound by any other

A love that is true
So heed my word men of worlds

Never leave your grace
Never lose your time
Never lease your prosperity

As she is happiness within sight and within mind

"Happiness at last"

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