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The bus jolts and jerks,
The dark is eerie with the nightmares of the night before,
My eyes drift warily in fear of what lurks beneath them,
I grit my teeth and run a hand over my scars,
They bleed with the pain of sadness,
My heart aches with the pain of loneliness,
Voices fill the seats,
Empty but louder and louder,
She puts her arms around me to soften the pain,
It's temporary but it helps,
Her lips dot my neck as my tears cover her shirt,
The mornings are always the hardest,
Every morning is the same wish,
I wake up regretting that I still breath, feel, and hurt,
The rumblings of the bus stop and the brakes squeal,
The air outside is misty and cold as I stumble off,
She guides me like a lost puppy towards the school entrance,
Sluggishly I pull myself into the bright lights,
They sear through my burning eyes into my drunken brain,
Then everything comes to focus and I see her,
She's so beautiful in the mornings...,
And my chest tightens,
My head goes numb and dull,
And my heart screams in pain,
What feels like a knife guts me from the inside,
My ragged breathing quickness the longer I stare,
But this forever is just a moment,
And I've shuffled past her,
Mute words fall upon deaf ears,
I try to speak but nothing comes out,
My lips quiver and my arms shake with hesitation,
My eyes wide with fear I hurry past,
I can't talk to her.
  Not today at least.
    Maybe not ever,
       It hurts too much.

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