Not My Dadda!

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Belle is played by the KWEENT @wolfgrrl21 XD 836 words!!! Wow!! Enjoy!

Scott chewed his lip nervously as he heard the pitter patter of Mitch's small feet hop down the steps.

Scott had to leave for a meeting and he didn't want to leave Mitch was home alone again, knowing last time he went with Scott he was 'bored out of his mind'.

But last time Mitch was home by himself he almost set the house on fire by cooking Easy Mac.

"Easy Mac isn't that Easy to cook" Mitch said to his daddy once he came home to smoke everywhere.

Mitch had forgotten to put water in the noodles, and forgot to take the wrapper off.

Scott sent a quick text to his best friend from high school Belle and asked her to babysit Mitch.

Belle and Scott have a past. They are great friends, dated once. Not gonna go into detail. Not shaming her at All. She's wonderful. Anywayyyy...
She instantly replied with a 'yes' and Scott set up a time.

Belle loved Little Mitch.

But little Mitch didn't necessarily like her.

He thought she was trying to take his Daddy from him, but he did his best to be good and get praised by his Daddy.

"Mitchie!" Scott called as he picked him up, setting the small boy on his hip.

"I gotta go to a meeting in ten minutes. Belle is gonna be here in five minutes. Please be good, I know you don't like her very well but you will be rewarded if you way a good report." Scott confirmed sternly as he looked into the smaller boy's mesmerizing brown eyes.

"Yes Papa." Mitch whispered before tucking his head in Scott's neck.

Seconds later the doorbell rung. Scott set Mitch down on the couch ten proceeded to open the door, revealing Belle. (MY GIRL!)

Scott greeted her and she followed him to the living room, where Mitch was watching Family Guy.

"Mitch." Scott said as he crouched down to his level. "I'm only gonna be gone for about two hours okay, be good for Belle." He said sternly, even though Mitch was too engrossed with the TV.

Scott gave him a quick kiss before leaving.

Once Mitch heard the door open Mitch slowly yet creepily turned to Belle.

He chuckled to himself as he raised an eyebrow.

"So Mitch what do you want to do?" Belle questioned as he sat beside him.

"I want you to leave me and my Daddykins awone! He's mine not wours meanie butt!" Mitch spat, sticking his tongue out at he crossed his arms.

Belle chuckle to herself at the small boy.

"Mitchie, honey. Scott's gay, and you know that. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing but I don't like Scott that way. We are good friends and that's all we'll be. You should see the way he looks at you. His day brightens at the thought of you. Every day on Social Media I see him posting about his princess. That's you Mitch, you're the only one Scott wants and needs. And whoever can't see that must be blind. Scott would do anything to keep you and protect you. He loves you so much that he would risk his life for you. That boy goes nuts for you, it's ridiculous. You're his little and you always will be."

Mitch got tears in his eyes and Belles speech and started to clap, not noticing that they were the only two in the room.

"Tank wou Bewwa." Mitch murmured as he hugged her.

A smile appeared on Belle's face as she rubbed the small boy's back.

"How about we have a snack, have some fun, and then take a nap. Your Daddy will be back when your nap is halfway over! How does that sound?" Belle asked cheerfully.

Mitch clapped with excitement as they proceeded to find a snack.

Colby jack cheese cubes and grapes.

They played with his dollies, had a tea party with Mr. Bear and played Just Dance until they were sweating like pigs.

Mitch rubbed his eyes as he stifled a yawn, not wanting the fun day with Belle to end.

Belle noticed the small boy trying to blink himself away.

She scooped Mitch up and took him to his princess room, tucking him in bed.

She set his baby pink pacifier in his mouth and set Mr. Bear next to him.

"Sweet dreams Mitchie." Belle his peers before placing a kiss on his forehead.

Belle tidied up the place and proceeded to watch 'The Edge Of Seventeen.' As the credits rolled in Scott came home.

"Hey, how was he?" Scott questioned.

Belle told them all about their day, skipping the speech and Mitch's SassiGrassi moment. (See what I did there?)

Scott thanked Belle before se left and jogged upstairs to Mitch's room.

The small boy was asleep with his pacifier dangling out of his mouth, his arms tightly wrapped around Mr. Bear.

Scott took a picture and posted it on Snapchat.

Daddy's little Princess.

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