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Writing this because the power in my room went out due to lightning and it's getting worse and I'm home alone at night. And I live right next to a freaking lake. Life is great! (Note the sarcasm)  I'm kind of frustrated right now. I don't get it.



Mitch hid under his fluffy blanket as the thunder grew louder and lightning flashed in the sky.

He whimpered in fear, clutching his stuffed bear Rila and inhaling the strong scent of Scott's cologne.

Tears cascaded down Mitch's cheek as the storm let out another rumble.

Mitch hurriedly jumped out of his bed and scurried to Scott's room, peeking his head in the door.

"Dadda?" Mitch whispered as he opened the door slowly so it wouldn't creak.

Scott was sound asleep, snoring with his mouth slightly open.

Mitch's small feet padded across the room as he made his way to Scott's bed.

"Papa!" Mitch whined as he poked his cheek repeatedly.

Soon enough, Scott woke up slightly angry that his little was up at this time at night. But his stern face turned into a sympathetic one as he heard the smaller boy whimper at the sound of lighting rumbling.

"Come here baby boy." Scott cooed as he opened his arms.

Mitch instantly nuzzled into Scott's warm embrace, feeling safe and sound in his arms.

Mitch silently cried as another CRACK of thunder roared in the sky.

Scott hummed light in the hallway as Mitch's cries turned into sniffles and hiccups.

By the chorus Mitch's eyes were fluttering as he tried to stay awake and listen to Scott's soothing voice.

Scott grabbed the bottle of milk he had on his dresser just in case Mitch came in his room.

The brunette suckled on the milk until he fell asleep.

Scott placed a baby blue pacifier in Mitch's mouth before placing him on the bed.

Scott laid back down and brought Mitch closer to him as he fell asleep.

I guess Thunderstorms aren't so bad.

I'm sorry if this was terrible I'm in a bad mood, but that's not an excuse but it's late here and I have no power so yea.

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