Cookies and Milk

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I posted this on my one shot book too! Wooho!

"Come on Papa! We gotsa make cookies now for Kirsee!" Scott clapped as he hopped down the steps, Mitch following behind him.

Scott's pastel jumper was bunched into his hand as he made his way to the kitchen, once he was there he grabbed a bowl and some chocolate chips as he began to eat them.

"Hey!" Mitch scolded.

Scott froze, a handful of chocolate chips in his mouth, his eyes slowly averted to Mitch.

"Put. The. Chips. Down." He warned as he pointed a slim finger at his little.

Scott spit the chips back into the bowl and licked his hands clean as Mitch groaned in disgust.

Once Mitch had grabbed all the ingredients, he tied an apron around his waist and proceeded to tie Scott's blue's clue's one around his waist.

Scott giggled excitedly at the thought of eating the sweets, but also at the thought of spending time with his Daddy outside of the studio.

Mitch hummed softly as he added the dry ingredients together.

Scott didn't really like baking cookies, it was too much work.

His favorite part was pouring the chocolate chips in and sneaking a few bites of the cookie dough when Mitch wasn't looking.

Scott helped Mitch carefully whisk the eggs, getting scolded by him for trying to sip the eggs.

Mitch went to the pantry to get a cookie sheet, leaving Scott curious.

Scott, being the curious and fascinating little he is, smeared butter on his finger and dipped it into the brown sugar.

Sticking his finger in his mouth, he enjoyed the sweet substance and continued eating buttery brown sugar until he heard Mitch's footsteps.

Mitch knew that his little was up to no good, but decided to ignore since the cookies had to be made.

Once all the ingredients were thoroughly mixed, a smile appeared on Scott's face as the bag of chocolate chips was handed to him.

"The recipe says two cups." Mitch explained as he went to grab the bigger measuring cup.

But when he came back, Scott had dumped all the chocolate chips in the batter, then added the bag o chocolate chunks before he stirred them in.

Mitch stifled a laugh as he shook his head at his little.

"Scottie." He chuckled, "That's too many chocolate chips baby."

Scott shrugged and grabbed a spoon, scooping some dough and placing it in his mouth.

Mitch's eyes rolled at his little as he took the spoon.

"No eating cookie dough." He pointed the spoon at the blonde. "You can get salmonella sweetie."

Scottie swallowed the batter before looking at his Daddy. "I love Salmonella." (If you understand this ref 💜)

Mitch bit his lip as he tried not to laugh at the blonde's statement.

"This is why we don't make cookies with Melanie anymore." Mitch explained as he placed the batter on the cookie tray.

Once all the cookies were on the tray, Mitch set them in the oven before setting the strawberry timer for 15 minutes.

Scott colored a picture of Wyatt and placed it on the fridge when he heard the timer ding.

Instantly, Scott ran to the oven and opened it as he tried to grab a cookie.

"DADDY!" Scott hollered as he held his red fingers.

Mitch rushed in and immediately knew what happened by seeing the oven opened and Scott clutching his fingers.

"Baby, what happened?" Scott questioned as he embraced the blonde in a hug.

Scott sniffled and contently moved into his Daddy's warmth.

"Mr. Oven is a meanie, and I-I gotsa boo boo Daddy." Scott whimpered as he tucked his face in Mitch's neck.

Mitch kissed Scott's fingers repeatedly before placing kisses on his cheeks, then raspberries which caused the blonde to burst into a fit of giggles.

"How about this, we run your finger under some cold water, then you can have a cookie for being a brave little trooper for Daddy." Mitch suggested as he lightly ran his fingers through the blonde's hair.

Scott nodded eagerly and walked with Mitch to the sink, letting his fingers sit under the cold water for a few seconds.

Mitch grabbed the oven mitt and grabbed the cookies out of the oven and onto the cooling rack.

After a few minutes Mitch grabbed Scott's cookie monster sippy cup and filled it with milk.

Scott took it gratefully after he removed his fingers from the water, and slowly sipped on it as his Daddy placed two cookies on the cookie monster plate.

"Tanks Dada." Scott murmured softly as he nibbled on a cookie, making his way to this living room.

Mitch followed behind him as he munched on a cookie, mentally praising his little for putting all the chocolate chips/chunks in the batter.

The two boys ate their cookies in silence, Scott's head rested on Mitch's lap as he licked his fingers clean from the gooey chocolate.

Mitch slowly traced over Scott's ears and cheek, calming the boy so he would take a short nap.

Even though Scott obliged to take a nap, Wyatt came next to him and curled up to him.

Moments later, soft snores escaped his mouth, his thumb dangling from his mouth.

Mitch's head was tilted back on a pillow, snores escaped his mouth, cookie crumbs and melted chocolate on his face.

Kirstie entered minutes later using the key she secretly made.

Seeing the two boys asleep, she silently cooed before taking a picture and sending it to Kevin and Avi.

Kirstie grabbed a small container and placed some cookies in it, and grabbed one to eat on the way home.

As she walked to the door she took a small bite, moaning as the chocolate hit her tongue.

Once she exited the scomiche residence, she closed and locked the door before heading home.


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