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"Papa come onnnn!" Mitch urged as he tried to make Scott move fast by pushing his back towards the fort.

Scott laughed quietly as the smaller boy tried to move Scott's large body, obviously (aviously) failing.

"Just a second sweetheart, I have to get the snacks. Or does Daddy's baby boy not want snacks?" Scott questioned jokingly.

Mitch gasped at the thought of no snacks and quickly ran to the fort, shimmying under the cover and onto the bed.

Scott went to the kitchen and grabbed some of their favorite snacks and drinks.

Doritos, Pepsi/coke, choccy milk as Mitch would put it, cheese cubes white cheddar popcorn, fruit, and of course a king size Snicker's bar.

Scott somehow managed to get everything into his arms and made his way to the fort, letting the items plop on the bed before sitting next to his little.

Scott quickly turned on Netflix and flipped through the cartoon movies as he wrapped an arm around his little.

"What do you want to watch Princess?" Scott questioned, rubbing the smaller boy's arm with one hand and flipping through the channels with the other.

"Pwincess an fwoggy pwease." Mitch mumbled softly as he suckled on his thumb, lightly chewing the pad of skin.

Scott nodded and searched the movie, quickly turning it on before snuggling with his little and enjoying his snacks.

Mitch nibbled on cheese cubes every now and then, giggling at parts of the movie and singing along.

Scott smiled at his little and placed a kiss on his forehead before turning his attention back to the movie, earning a sigh of content from Mitch.

Mitch covered his eyes at the scary crocodiles and moved closer into Scott's warmth, earning a fond chuckle from the blonde.

Mitch quietly watched most of the movie, nibbling on cubed cheese and stifling a yawn every now and then before rubbing his eyes.

Scott noticed his little was getting tired and started placing circles on his back, grabbing the bottle of milk for him.

Mitch whined at Scott's actions on his back, knowing that it would make him sleepier but he didn't fight it.

Scott placed Mitch in his lap and put the nipple of the bottle between his lips.

Mitch sighed in content at the sweet taste of the milk and suckled contently, doing his best to keep his eyes opened.

Scott moved his hands towards the back of Mitch's blonde hair and drew circles, lightly massaging the boy's scalp.

Mitch's eyes fluttered until they were finally closed and he was asleep.

Scott took the bottle from his lips a few seconds later and replaced it with the Elsa pacifier he had on the table.

Once Mitch was in deep sleep Scott set him on the bed and cleaned up the mess, putting the rest of the food away.

Scott came back moments later and crawled into the bed and slipped under the covers.

Once he was content he pulled his baby closer to him, which Mitch gladly accepted and returned to sleeping which Scott followed.

Sweet dreams!

1k already? Thank you guys so much.

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