Chapter 6 - The Girl

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Well...the last class could've gone better. I really think that what Jessica showed was quite clever, for Jessica anyway. Although I don't think I will use her technique when stalking Bella. Taking photos like that crosses the line of stalker to pervert.

I decided to teach everyone how to really photo stalk. I guess I could've called in some help from some people I knew but I was going to do this my own way. Something told me that if I went into that class with a bunch of expensive cameras the class would not give me them back.

So I didn't want to send them out to take regular pictures, no that's not what I want. No doubt they'd go out, take photos of themselves in mirrors for the day and post them on Facebook and Instagram afterwards. Well the girls would; the boys just wouldn't touch the cameras.

There was going to have to be some other way to do this. And do it well or it was going to be game over for me. I hadn't been to Bella's house in a while and it was driving me crazy. I missed going into her room at night. There was something so peaceful about watching someone you care about sleep. Especially when you couldn't sleep, like at all, but I knew if I did then Emmett was going to have to go too.

I sighed; I thought I was going to give up hope with this but then I had an idea. Maybe I could give them all disposable cameras... but they would have to get a certain type of photo. It'll be interesting to see who would be able to get the most. For a vampire it would be easy. For humans not so much.

I went into Emmett and Rosalie's room. Thank God they weren't doing anything. I remember when you couldn't go into Emmett and Rosalie's room without warning. Luckily, those days were over. Well almost over; you could never be too cautious. Those two were like rabbits.

"Emmett," I said, "I need you to come with me."

"Where are we going Eddie? Bella's house?" Emmett looked exciting.

"No we are going to do a little shopping."

"Shopping?" Alice's voice came from down the hall. Alice loved shopping and never missed an opportunity to go. I don't know where she gets all the money from, I know Esme and Carlisle don't give her a lot. I suspect she runs a few online businesses, after graduating with several business degrees it wouldn't surprise me.

"No Alice not with you."

"Edward you suck!" Alice called back and Emmett laughed.

"So what are we shopping for Eddie?" Emmett asked.

"Some cameras."

"Oh okay, wait why?"

"You'll find out later, let's go."

After walking around the shops looking for types of cameras – Emmett insisted that we at least look at the fancy DSLR ones – we decided on the disposable ones that only allow you to take thirty photos. At least this way I wouldn't be wasting money and the students only had a limited amount of photos they were allowed to take. Otherwise I'd be looking through over 1000 different creepy stalker photos of people.

"So now what?" Emmett asked when we got home.

"You'll see tomorrow. Night Emmett." I said taking the cameras from him.

"Wait so when are we going to Bella's."

"Soon just not tonight."

"Don't forget I am holding you to that Eddie."

"I know." I sighed and went into my room and turned on my laptop. I needed to make a list of things the class needed to take a photo of. It'd be a homework assignment. I also had to figure out what I was going to teach them, or should I teach them how to work the cameras?

Edward Cullen's Stalking Class 101Where stories live. Discover now