Chapter 27 - My Weirdest Stalking Experience

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Edward's POV

When I left Bella at home I went to get Emmett from school. He was not going to get out of there without making a scene if I didn't. On the way there I thought of Bella and how I had been a thoughtless monster to her in the meadow. I wish there was some way to make it up to her but I didn't know how. I knew the easy way would probably be to make her a vampire but I was determined not to let that happen just yet. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to deal with a new-born Bella who was mad at me. She would be stronger than me and thirsty for blood, not the best combination for a new vampire.

"EDWARD!" Emmett yelled at me when we were halfway home. He was telling me about what happened with Mike but I wasn't paying attention. As much as I wanted to hear about how Mike got sent to the mental asylum I wanted to find a way for Bella to forgive me more.

"Sorry Emmett, I just want Bella to stop being mad at me." I replied.

"Wow you're really cut up about this man. But maybe if you had taken her feelings into consideration and smelt her period blood you would have been all right."

"Ew. I am not going to go about sniffing around every month for someone's period that's gross."

"Good because it smells rank."

"You've smelt it?"

"Yeah once. It's not like I did it on purpose but I hadn't hunted in a while and so any blood seemed good to me at the time." Emmett shuddered at the memory. "And that's why you have to hunt regularly."

"You're so gross."

"Yep but that's why you love me right?"

When we got home I didn't stay too long, Emmett wasn't pleased that his Mike story had to be put on hold again but I wanted to go and buy some things for Bella so I could beg for her forgiveness again. When did I become so desperate? She said she wanted space and yet here I was buying chocolate and flowers...

Bella opened the door, took one look at me, grabbed the chocolates from me and slammed the door in my face. I wasn't giving up so easily so I climbed through her bedroom window which she had left open. I lounged on her bed waiting for her to come upstairs.

"Edward! What are you doing here?!" Bella demanded when she saw me.

"I want to apologise!"

"But I'm not mad at you!"

"Then why are you yelling?"

"Because I don't want to be around you right now. I told you I wanted space. I know you just want to make things right again and have everything go back to the way it was and it will. I just need some alone time right now. I'm feeling pretty shitty today and having you around isn't going to change that. I'm sorry."

"It's okay Bella I want to help in any way I can. It's what I'm here for."

"You really wanna help?"

I got up and hugged her. "Anything Bella,"

"Can you go to the store and get me some tampons?"

I pulled away from her. "You want me to what?"

"Get me some tampons. It's not a big deal, I need some more and normally I would do it but I'm not really up for leaving the house right now but I am running out –"

I put a finger to her lips so that I didn't have to hear her talk about periods anymore. I guess it's normal for a guy to buy his girlfriend tampons, I just didn't think I would be the guy. Besides don't people look at you weirdly when you buy them? Especially when you're a dude?

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