Chapter 18 - Don't Mess With The Cullens

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Mike's POV

I sighed when I heard my alarm go off at seven. I hated getting up for school but then I remembered that I got to see Bella at school. She may be with Cullen but it's only a matter of time before she realises what a freak he is. Soon she'll want to be with a real man like me. After lying in bed for a few more minutes checking my phone of messages – there were about 50 text messages and voicemails from Jessica asking to get back together – I got up and headed to the bathroom.

When I got out of the shower feeling refreshed I went back into my room to get dressed. Something was different about it but I couldn't quite figure it out. It looked messier than before. Or maybe it had always looked like this? I definitely didn't remember having as much toilet paper in my room before I went to sleep. Maybe I was sleep walking again. I fought my way through the toilet paper and got dressed. I didn't have time to think about the mess of my room, especially when I was going to be late for school again. Mom had left out some clothes for me which was nice, she stopped doing that for me when I was 14 so she must have been sucking up to me for something.

I threw the clothes on and stuck my shoes on and took a few steps before I realised there was something in them. Gross. I tried to look around for another pair of shoes but couldn't find any. Great, looks like I was going to school with icky shoes. Wouldn't be the first time. As I walked out of my bedroom and closed the door I felt some sticky, gooey liquid drop down over me. So much for that shower. What the hell was going on here?

I sighed and wiped my stuff out my eyes and went back to the bathroom. I didn't have time for another shower so I tried to scrub off as much of the stuff as I could at the sink. Whatever it was, was not coming off. Fabulous. I started to think I should just take the day off school.

Once I had gotten to the bottom of the stairs I took another look in the hallway mirror at myself and grimaced. My hair was bright pink – I'm not sure if that was a result of the stuff that hit me when I left my bedroom – but it wasn't coming out, I had little bits of white gooey stuff on my clothes which looked a lot like cum and I was wearing the weirdest hippie outfit which I'm pretty sure was for girls. I decided then and there I was not going to school. I'll just stay home. No one will miss me.

"Morning," A sweet voice called from the living room. I hesitantly walked into the room to find Edward's SISTER lying on the couch wearing my shirt and nothing else. The room was trashed with party decorations and alcohol bottles everywhere. Did I have a party last night and not remember? Mom must've found out and is pranking me by making me wear this hippie shit to school. Fuck.

"H-hi," I said trying to look Edward's sister in the eye. She was so hot. I forget which one of his sisters it was but I must've been dreaming because there's no way someone that beautiful was here last night at my house party. "What are you doing here?"

She laughed. I loved the sound of her laugh. It turned me on just hearing it. Fuck. "You must've drank too much. You don't remember last night?"

I shook my head. What happened last night?!

"Maybe this will jog your memory?" She started to moan loudly, moving her hands up and down her body. Oh my God. I SLEPT WITH CULLEN'S SISTER.

"You and me had sex?"

"Mmm-hmm. And Alice. Don't tell Emmett and Jasper." She giggled. "Before I forget, Alice wants to see you today. She has a surprise." I watched as the blonde goddess gathered up her clothes.

"Can you tell me what else happened last night besides...whatever we did?" I swallowed hard. There was no way this happened.

" threw a major party and everyone was invited. Apart from Edward of course. It was nothing short of the best party of the year and you know one thing lead to another and we..." She sighed remembering what was possibly the best night of my life. I can't believe I can't remember any of this. "Anyway, Bella was here and she was totally all over Eric which was surprising. I thought her and my brother were forever. Oh! And this is the best part," she lifted up the bottom of the shirt she was wearing to show me a tattoo on her thigh. It said 'Mike and Rose 4 Ever' in a heart. WHAT? "You have one too! It was for a dare; I didn't think you'd do it but you proved me wrong."

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