Chapter 9 - BUSTED!

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Edward's POV

You have 1 new friend request. Isabella Marie Swan (Bella Swan). Confirm or ignore.

There it was. The friend request I had been waiting my whole life for. I immediately confirmed her request and began looking through her page. It looked like she had just set it up yesterday. She even made a Facebook status about the other night: Can't sleep. Kind of weirded out by the fact I woke up in the middle of the night to find three guys staring back at me...

Oh great. Now everyone will want to know who the three guys were and if Emmett and I are mentioned then I am so fired. Not to mention we'll look like total creeps. I don't even want to know what Carlisle and Esme are going to say when they find out.

I kept scrolling down and saw that Alice had been in contact with Bella. I wonder why she didn't tell me that Bella had made a Facebook page. She knows how obsessive I have been over Bella so withholding vital information like this from me was just rude.

"Eddie what are you doing?" Emmett asked looking up from his iPhone. We were waiting for the next class to begin and since I didn't have to prepare anything for the day we were just looking at Facebook.

"Checking out Bella's Facebook page."

"Ooh! She got one!" Emmett got up and stood behind me.

"Yes. Now go away."

"Not until you update your status. It's been days since your last update."

"Fine," I quickly typed into the status box: About to start class. "Yay." I can't wait to see what the class has brought in to show me today. "Happy?"

"Yes," Emmett took his phone out and tapped on it for a few seconds and went back to his seat.

I got a notification. Emmett Dale McCarty Cullen has commented on your status. Really Emmett?

Emmett commented: DUDE you should be happy. I have the best homework EVER!
I commented back: Yeah okay Emmett whatever you say.

The bell rang and I got off of Facebook and thought about what I was going to do today. Emmett's list caught my eye. Well, there was nothing I could really teach on the art of watching people from afar but I would try and see what I could do. First of all, I had to see if everyone had done their homework.

"Okay class," I said turning to face everyone. "Did you all do your homework? Before you answer I want to show you the kind of work I expect. Emmett?" I looked at him. "Will you please show the class your homework?"

Emmett smiled as he got up in front of the class and showed everyone the photos of Mike on the overhead projector. The photos consisted of Mike talking to Jessica, one of him picking up his broken camera, a photo of him in Bella's room and one of him sleeping. I never pegged him as a onesie kind of guy...

Suddenly I got a blast of Mike's really loud thoughts. UGH I CAN'T BELIEVE HE DID THAT! I thought he was going after Bella because they were in her room the other night. OH MY GOD THEY HAVE A PHOTO FO ME IN BELLA'S ROOM! I will get them for this.

"Wait, why do you have a photo of Mike taking a photo of Bella?" Asked Ashley.

"Because this is my photo of Mike doing something random. He was doing his homework on Bella." Emmett explained looking at Mike. The whole class turned to look at him, Mike sunk lower in his seat and Bella blushed.

"Thank you Emmett for a perfect example. Mike, would you like to show the class your photos?" I couldn't help but smile.

Not really because Bella will kill me. "Yeah sure," Mike got out of his seat and stomped all the way to the front of the room to show everyone his pictures of Bella. He had taken photos of Bella at the library, outside the school talking with some friends and one of her sleeping.

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