Chapter 10 - Friday Night

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Later that day when Emmett and I got home Emmett demanded that I show him everyone else's homework pictures. I knew that I shouldn't have let him see them. In fact, I shouldn't even have these pictures. They were just downright disturbing.

"Man these are getting weird." Emmett said throwing down some photos he was just looking at. Some of the students obviously staged some photos. No one looks like a supermodel when doing everyday tasks.

"I know but that was the homework and some people put more effort into theirs than others." I sighed throwing some photos I was looking at into the fire. I didn't want anyone else to see these photos ever again. How was I meant to explain them if anyone found them? I didn't ask people to take photos of other people in the shower. That crosses the line on a whole other level.

"So what are we going to do for the next class?" Emmett asked throwing the last of the photos into the flames. So far, class had been insane. I had not anticipated things getting so out of hand. Maybe I should have. When Emmett suggests something like teaching a stalking class, I shouldn't be shocked about anything bad that may occur.

"I have no idea. I didn't expect things to get out of hand like they did."

"Yeah I guess. And now everyone is posting about the class on Facebook. We're like a trending topic for Forks."

"Really?" Stupid question. Facebook is the biggest social media site right now. Anything that happens goes on Facebook or someone's online profile of some sort. I have never understood the fascination of telling people about your life online. Especially when most people don't live exciting lives.

"Duh dude. Haven't you been online?"

"I was on earlier but there were so many things about the Jessica and Mike thing that I left."

"Go back on, there's so much you can miss in a few hours."


I didn't like Facebook. It had recently become a source of annoyance for me. At least I only had one social network, I couldn't imagine having all of them. How exciting can one's life be to update six social media accounts several times a day?

I opened my laptop and logged onto Facebook.

9 a.m.

Carlisle status update: Rosalie and her class of little children is so cute!

Alice status update: How come Rosalie and Edward can teach classes and I can't? Ugh I could so do that!

Emmett status update: Can't wait until class!
Alice commented: Why?
Emmett commented: Well correction: Eddie's class
Alice: Oh! Have fun!
Edward: Emmett stop calling me Eddie!

Jessica status update: Edward is so dreamy... *heart eye emoji* 20 people liked this status
Angela commented: I know right!
Mike commented: Ugh you guys know he doesn't like you back so why don't you give up?
Jessica: Shut up Mike! No one asked for your opinion!

Jessica changed her profile photo.

Mike and Angela Webber are now friends.

Alice added 4 photos to the album 'Girls' night out'

12 p.m.

Esme status update: Trying out some new cooking recipes. Doing okay so far but I don't think I'll ever get a soufflé to rise.

Carlisle status update: Busy working at the hospital. Missing my family.

Rosalie added a photo album "Getting Ready is Half the Fun" (20 photos)

3 p.m.

Jessica status update: I totally failed today in class...

Emmet status update: Class was weird.

Jessica added a photo album "Edward teaching" (101 photos)

4 p.m.

Alice became friends with Eric Yorkie and 3 other people

Me: Hates when he makes deals with Emmett.
Emmett commented: SHUT UP! "Certain people" might be looking at this and wondering what the hell?
Me: So?
Emmett: Don't make me hit you.
Me: Oh right I get it. So what I *do* hate making deals with you.
Emmett: Yeah but admit it, I make your life more interesting.

8 p.m.

Alice status update: I wish I could have been in Edward's class today. I would have loved to see what happened! Emmett likes this status.

Emmett status update: Class was HILARIOUS.

Mike status update: I HATE EDWARD! Eric Yorkie and Tyler Crowley like this status.

Jessica status update: IT'S OVER WITH MIKE! Alice Cullen and 5 other people like this status.

Jessica changed her relationship status to single.

Mike changed his relationship status to single.

Wow. I really had missed a lot today. And I wasn't even counting the number of relatable quotes people had shared or tagged their friends in. Not to mention the candy crush requests. I swear if one more person asks me for a life in a virtual game I might just take their actual life. I'm not sure how thrilled Carlisle would be about that though.

"EDDIE!" Emmett yelled. Oh great what did he want now?

"What?" I yelled back. I don't see why he didn't just come into my room instead of yelling from the other side of the house. Esme had a rule about using our 'indoor voices'. One time Emmett was yelling so loud he cracked a window. Or two.

"We're going hunting. Are you coming?"

I thought about the last time I had went hunting. It was about two weeks ago...It made my throat burn just thinking about it. I needed to go. I had been too distracted thinking about my stalking class to even think about my thirst. Not good. Especially when I was around Bella.

I had to keep my thirst in check. If not, I was going to have a bigger problem on my hands than some kid getting arrested for stalking.

Edward Cullen's Stalking Class 101Where stories live. Discover now