Chapter 20 - Operation: Take Mike Down!

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The next day in class Bella and Emmett were waiting with me for everyone else to arrive. Emmett came over to me to ask if he could teach the class today. I don't know why he would want to each them. After all, this was my torture I thought he would want me to suffer through it alone. Still, one day off teaching wouldn't be so bad...

"Please Eddie, can I? Please?" He begged.

"Fine but if this blows up in your face don't blame me!" I sighed.

"I won't. Thanks Eddie!"

I began to regret it from the moment I agreed to it. As much as I didn't want to teach the class, I had a feeling that what Emmett was going to teach them was not going to be good. Not that anything to do with stalking is 'good' but at least I was trying to teach them something useful. Who knows what Emmett was about to unleash?

When everyone else had arrived I sighed as Emmett shared his thoughts with me on what he was going to teach the class. This was not going to go well but at this point I didn't care. I had bigger problems to worry about.

Like a mysterious stalker girl who wants me to buy her a new dress...when and where was I going to get one without people asking questions? Although maybe then they will stop treating me like I'm insane and hearing voices. Emmett knew about her, but that wasn't enough. I needed to find out who this girl was and why she was harassing me.

Once the class had begun to settle down I stood up to break the news. "Okay everyone, today I have decided to let Emmett teach the class. He is very enthusiastic about the subject and wanted to get involved. I am sure you will treat him with the utmost respect, just as you respect me."

I hate Cullen for what he did to me. I can't believe he sent those videos to the principal! And where did he get those photos? I DON'T REMEMBER TAKING THOSE! Ugh and no one believes me about the party that didn't happen. I don't even have the note anymore because it flew out of my car window when I was driving. And this morning my mom decided it'd be best if I go to rehab...ugh...oh I'm here. Great. Let's see what hell Cullen is going to put me through today.

I smirked as Mike pushed open the door and sat down. I was surprised to see him back. I didn't think the principal would let him after everything that had happened recently. Great. Looks like I was going to have to resort to plan B to make sure Mike stayed away for good. I spent a lot of time working on another plan to take Mike down and make sure he was gone forever. I was surprised at how dark I could really be sometimes but nobody bothered me quite like Mike Newton. I was going to get rid of him one way or another...

Jessica and Eric immediately tried to interrogate Mike about the punishments he was going to have to endure for the next few months. Emmett looked at me for permission to start the class and stop them from talking, I nodded and he stood up and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Okay so I had this idea last night. Let's see how good your stalking is. This week we are going to do a little experiment. I know what you're thinking, we're just going to go to the mall again but I have a better idea. So you know the way some of us sneak into people's bedrooms at night to take pictures?" Emmett looked directly at Mike. "I say we see how sneaky you can really be. I want everyone to sneak into someone else's bedroom and steal something. I'm not saying you should full on rob the place, just take one small thing the person won't notice is missing. Then bring it back here and we can do a little show and tell. When you show the item I want to know how you got it and why you took it. After that you can put the item back."

"What has this got to do with stalking?" Mike asked.

"Everything. It takes real skill to sneak into someone's room, steal something, and get out. Like I said it just has to be a small thing. And don't just ask someone to give you something from their room I want real stalking going on here. Take photographic evidence if you have to."

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