Chapter 8 - Outtake: Bella's POV of Chapter 7

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Bella's POV

When I got home after my first day in class with Edward I went to my laptop. I decided that I needed to get Facebook or something. I was talking to Jessica in class and she was catching me up on everything that I had missed. There was another reason that I wanted to get Facebook other than doing my homework. To stalk Edward. I mean that's allowed right? He wasn't actually a teacher.

It didn't take me long before I had my Facebook account up and running. I was a smart girl and the website was pretty simple. It took me a while to find a decent photo for my profile picture though. Cameras and lighting were not my friend. Eventually I found an old photo of me that looked semi-decent. Hopefully people didn't notice I was about 13 at the time the photo was taken. I was typing into the "What's on your mind" box a little red '1' appeared by the little people icon at the top of the screen. I clicked on it.

You have 1 new friend request. Mary-Alice Brandon Cullen. Confirm or Ignore.

Wow. Alice got me already? Weird. I didn't really know much about Alice. She was just Edward's sister who had a thing for the latest fads. Right now, it was social media. Jessica was always complaining that Alice's selfies were better than hers. I didn't even know what that meant. I clicked confirm on the friend request and went back to typing my first ever Facebook status. New to Facebook. Obviously. Really bored and just figuring out how everything works.

After that I went onto Alice's Facebook page. Wow. She had a lot of friends and photos. I didn't realise that Alice and Rosalie were the type of people who took photos at every given moment. But they did have the looks for it.

Alice's recent status update: Listening to music and reading fanfiction.
Edward commented: Which one?
Alice commented: Master of the Universe.
Edward: Why do you like that?
Alice: Because it's kind of sweet in a way you just won't get.
Edward: Sure okay.

Well at least I knew Edward had a Facebook. I clicked on his name.

Edward Anthony Mason Cullen. Add as a friend.

I clicked the "add as a friend" button beside his name. Then I took a closer look at his profile. I loved Edward's profile photo he looked so cute. I sighed, I was totally crushing on my stalking class teacher. Does that make me sound like Jessica? I bet it does.

But Jessica likes to make her crush known, I do not. I have no idea what draws me to him. Maybe it's his bed head hair, or his crooked smile, or his topaz eyes, or his chiselled body in a tight t-shirt or... I shook my head. I shouldn't think about him this way. Edward seems to know about school girl crushes like Jessica's and I'd really hate if he thought my crush on him was as stupid as that. It's not like that. It's more like I'm in love with him. Or is that taking it too far?

Edward's recent status update: Hates when he makes deals with Emmett.
Emmett commented: SHUT UP! "Certain people" might be looking at this and wondering what you're talking about.
Edward: So?
Emmett: Don't make me hit you.
Edward: Oh right I get it. So what? I do hate making deals with you.
Emmett: Yeah but admit it, I do make your life more interesting.

I had to wonder who "certain people" were. I spent a couple more hours on Facebook adding friends and finding half decent photos to post. I don't know why I felt the need to fill up my Facebook page. My life wasn't necessarily interesting but I wanted people to know I was actively using the website. And maybe I was hoping that it would get Edward's attention.

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