Chapter 11 - Midnight Stalkers and Facebook Statuses

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After going hunting, the girls wanted to do some shopping, I hated shopping with Alice and Rosalie. I'm pretty sure everyone does unless you're one of those crazy shopping-obsessed people. But you don't find many of those people in Forks. I followed Emmett, Rosalie and Alice through every store and decided that this was unnecessary. They were buying lots of makeup and girly crap from the stores that were still open. Emmett didn't mind because he knew he'd get laid if he carried Rosalie's bags for her. Whereas I was just dragged along because Jasper was busy and Alice doesn't like to carry her own bags either.

"I don't think this is even possible but my arms are hurting," I complained. I guess it is possible when you've spent hours shopping with my sisters. They really went overboard and on what? Nail polish. Hair products. Shoes. Anything with a price tag. I don't understand that it all.

"Quit whining Eddie! There's nothing else to do and it's better than nothing." Emmett smiled. Ugh. He picks now to be the optimist. I could have slapped him.

Ooh! She was right he is a cutie! And he carries shopping bags for girls. Perfect! God, he is so hot!

I whipped my head around to find out where the thoughts were coming from. Alice and Rosalie were not thinking that. No way in hell would they ever think that. Especially not about me. I couldn't recognise the voice either...someone new is in Forks?

Hmm...I like it. Mrs Edward Cullen. I'm going to start planning our wedding right away. Hmm...he's so dreamy...

I looked around again and Emmett caught me looking. "Dude, what's up? You look like you're having a seizure or something."

"Nothing...I keep hearing these thoughts and I don't know where they are coming from?"

"Are you sure? Because if you're trying to scare me it's not going to work."

"No, I'm serious. There's someone following us."

"Dude I think you're overreacting. It could just be some store clerk. What are they thinking?"

"They're thinking about how hot I am."

Emmett burst out laughing. "Now I know you're messing with me."

"I'm really not." I insisted. "Plus, look around. This mall is empty. This person is close, their thoughts are loud."

Emmett and I stopped walking to see if we could hear movement. Humans were so loud. Oh my God! I could just die with the sound of his voice! Wait...he's stopped walking. They're looking for me! This is going to be so much fun!

"Well, I don't hear anything," Emmett said after a few minutes. "Maybe you've finally cracked and are hearing make believe voices in your head. Can you actually read minds or is this when you realise you're actually crazy?"

"I know what I heard." I sighed and looked around one last time.

"I'll take your word for it. But there's no one here so let's just go home. Esme will kill us if we're not home before curfew." Our adopted mother liked to treat us like real teenagers. Which included but was not limited to curfews, only hunting in permitted areas, no throwing parties and getting grounded when we broke the rules.

Emmett and I took off home and left the girls yelling in protest as they were still shopping. I wasn't worried about running at vampire speed because whoever this girl was had to be supernatural. There's no way a human could be so quiet and be able to hide for that long. But no matter what she was I would've caught a scent...

Oh, Edward if only you knew. This is going to annoy the heck out of you so I think I'll wait a little longer until I introduce myself. I have to get home now. Toodles!

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