Chapter 25 - Revenge Is Sweet

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Emmett's POV

I could tell that Eddie was mad at me for the stalking thing, he didn't talk to me for the rest of the weekend. He didn't talk to Alice either and she's his favourite sibling which meant he was super mad.

On Sunday night I was trying to find out how I could get on Eddie's good side again but the only thing I could see myself doing was begging at his feet and I was not about to sink that low. Eddie didn't get mad very often so this was unusual. I also didn't know if he was mad because I put Bella's life in danger or if it's because Bella just met his ex. Not that him and Tanya ever dated, but boy did she try.

"Emmett can you please stop thinking about our brother? It's disturbing the way you seem to be thinking about him more than me. Remember our talk?" Rosalie asked. I know when you become a vampire – or at least when a girl becomes a vampire – your periods stop but part of me still thinks Rosalie gets PMS.

"Sorry Rose, I just don't want him to be mad at me." I replied. Tonight Rosalie wanted to spend some more time alone. She has been feeling as though she isn't getting as much attention as usual and so I am to be the perfect husband to her. Which means showering her with lots of gifts and attention.

"Not you too, Alice was talking non-stop a bout Edward and how he's never mad at her. All I wanted to do was get some retail therapy and Alice was worried about our brother." She sighed and picked up a fashion magazine. "I'm going to read while you mope. Just don't mention the name Edward again tonight or you will be burned alive."

So I left Rosalie to be all touchy-feely like girls are on their periods. I was just glad to be out of the room.

Bella had gone home the other night – she was still not happy about the fact that Eddie had lied to her. So I think Eddie's a little depressed about that which means he's double pissed at me. He thinks it's my fault that Bella found out he was lying in the first place but in my defence he should have seen it coming! He so could have stolen Alice's phone to see what's up.

Maybe the only option I had was to beg for forgiveness at Edward's feet.

Edward's POV

What a weekend.

Bella went home as soon as we got back from the forest because she was mad at me for lying. I thought I'd dazzled her enough to make her forget about the lying thing but I was wrong. I also sensed she was still jealous because of Tanya but I told her she had nothing to worry about. I guess she didn't believe me which makes sense since I lied to her in the first place. It looked like I was going to have to do a lot to make it up to her.

I was also mad at Emmett and Alice for what they did. They always pull stunts like this to make my life more difficult, and maybe I should have expected it, but this time they have gone too far. If I end up losing Bella over this, I am not speaking to them ever again. Jasper will be my new favourite sibling; he would never do anything to hurt me. Why not pick Rosalie you ask? Please, she's worse than Emmett and Alice combined when she wants to be. Plus, the amount of attention she requires to be kept happy is exhausting, I don't know how Emmett does it.

On Sunday night Emmett came knocking on my bedroom door. I sighed, just what I needed. I was looking at Facebook when he had knocked and Bella had decided to tell the whole world that I had lied to her.

Bella's status update: Stupid lying vamp. Seriously dating vampires is so overrated. -.-
Jacob commented: I told you...
Bella commented: Oh shut up Jacob. Dogs aren't much better -.-
Jessica: Well if you had just BACKED OFF from Edward he would be mine. Also vampires aren't real Bella. And Jacob is not a dog?
Bella: I know Jessica, it's just something we made up.
Jessica: Ew, keep your creepy sex games off of Facebook.
Bella: ...

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