Chapter 2

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"We're here." Evans says tapping my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts. I sigh then open the door and walk towards the school instantly getting a weird feeling. He's around here somewhere.

I say my goodbyes to Evans and we both go our separate ways. I decided to ignore the feeling I was getting and the most amazing  scent that started getting stronger.

The scent was so addicting. My wolf was going crazy and wanted me to go after it, but I chose to ignore as I was already running late for first period.

I was almost there, literally seconds away from the classroom. But I bumped into a hard muscular chest causing a shocking  feeling to run throughout my body.

I look up into the green eyes of Aiden Lockwood the schools most popular douche bag, the guy who has slept with all the girls who tormented me and is friends with every guy who treats me like shit.

Looking into his eyes made everything stop, I swear I felt it was only me and him and nobody else in the room. I felt a connection, I felt butterflies form in my stomach, I felt all these things I had never felt before.

But why with Aiden?

"Mate!" Forest shouts and my eyes go wide.

No no no no, this can't be happening, it can't be him.

I stare at him with wide hopeful eyes while he stares at me with disgust.

Yes, disgust. He's staring at me like if I'm the ugliest thing he's ever laid eyes on.

Was I really that bad?

"What's happening why is he staring at us like that?!" Forest shouts with fear.

He doesn't want us, I can tell. I already know what's coming.

"Watch where you're going freak!" He shouts at me causing people to laugh at me and my wolf to whimper in pain.

I shove past him ignoring the amazing feeling I felt as my skin touched his, I run out of that horrible place not bothering to look back.

  A few minutes pass by and I'm in the woods behind my school, I fall down onto the grass with my knees up against my chest and my arms hugging them tightly while I sob uncontrollably.

He didn't even flinch when talking to me like that, he looked at me with such hate and disgust. He was like everyone else. I knew he wouldn't have wanted me. But I guess somewhere in my heart I hoped maybe he would want me, that maybe my life couldn't all be shit. But it really was all shit, I was now an unwanted mate because my body holds a heart that cannot be loved.

"He didn't reject us Adelaide. It's okay, I know it's going to be okay, it has to be okay." I shake my head no.

"He didn't reject us in front of everyone because he didn't want people knowing we're mates, but he will." I say out loud and stand up grabbing a big piece of tree bark throwing it at another tree causing it to break into a million pieces.

"Woah my little mate calm down there." I turn around to be met with Aiden smirking at me.

I step away from him because my wolf felt the need to hold tightly onto him and beg him to want us, I couldn't let her do that.
He didn't want me.

"My name is Adelaide, I'm not your mate." I tell him with venom laced in my voice.

He then took a step closer to me and I froze, gosh I hated the effect he had on me.

Now, our faces were only inches apart.

"I Aiden Lockwood reject you Adelaide as my mate." My heart broke into a million little pieces and I no longer had one.

I then drop to the floor and start to feel a horrible unbearable pain that was running throughout my body. It was like I can feel every symptom of pain in my body. I then scream closing my eyes tight hoping whatever I was feeling would go away, but it didn't.

"What's happening?!" I shout and Aiden kneels down and pushes me up against a tree with both his hands on my shoulders and watches me with what looked like worried eyes.

"You have to accept my rejection so the pain can go away!" He shouts at me now holding my face in his hands.

I shake my head no. I was not going to accept his rejection even though I had to go through this pain. What's the point of even living when my other half doesn't want me.

"Accept my rejection!" He shouts at me and I push him away and curl into a ball hugging my knees and taking deep breaths trying to calm the pain.

"No!" I shout back at him and turn away and continue sobbing uncontrollably.

I then start seeing black spots, my eyes then shut closed. The last thing I saw was the person who was supposed to love me for as long as I live was walking away from me leaving me unconscious in the woods not giving me another look.

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