Chapter 20

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I could feel his eyes on me, and every few seconds he'd glance at Murphy who was talking about random shit that I couldn't make out with Aiden's eyes burning a whole right through me. I smirked, jealousy. It was written all over him, but really his eyes were the ones to show the emotion as I stared at him blankly. I watched as his hand slowly turned into his fist as Murphy's hand was placed on my shoulder, informing me he was going to get a drink and come back. I broke the contact and nodded at Murphy, Aiden's eyes are now on me again making me tense up as I looked back at him and my eyes wondered else where. My eyes landed on the slut he slept with, who was slowly making her way towards him. My eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, and my wolf was growling like crazy. The horrible flashback played in my mind as I looked at the both of them together. Now I was the one angry. The fire raged up and roared. Neither of us taking our eyes off of each other, we just stood there staring at each other with different emotions. The whore placed her filthy hand on his shoulder, I felt my anger boil. A smirk forming on his lips as he saw me stare at the whore with disgust and hatred, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. All the rage was hotter than magma and just as destructive.

A few minutes of me glaring at Aiden and his whore the fire roared up again that I couldn't see them anymore which I was thankful for. I had to step back so I wouldn't melt with the heat. It took a while for it to calm down and I just stared at it thinking of throwing the whore in it.

I wanted to walk around to see if they were there but I didn't. I didn't have the power to face him, I let him get to me. I was weak when it came to Aiden.

The fire calmed down and I closed my eyes breathing in and out calming myself before I saw them. Once I calmed myself down I opened my eyes and they were set on Aiden and his whore again. He held her closely kissing her neck, her moans filled my ears again reminding me of that night.

He felt my stare and he turned his head enough to see me and enough for me to see him. He smirked at the fact that I let him get to me.

"Why is he doing this? After all that happened at the party and feeling our pain he still hasn't stopped. Why?" Forests broken voice filled my head.

I didn't respond to her, I was asking the same questions to myself.

I managed to take my eyes away from them and search for Murphy, I found him in seconds watching as he was stealing vodka bottles hiding four bottles in his jacket. I laughed at him and shook my head.

"Hey sexy" A guy with blonde hair and green eyes came up to me slurring his words. I furrowed my brows and looked behind me to see if he was talking to someone else but nobody was behind me.

"Um hi" I say awkwardly and he inches closer to me making me feel uncomfortable.

"What's a pretty girl like you standing here all by herself?" He managed to slur out.

"Um I'm going to go I have to uh get something." I lied about to walk away but his hand caught mine squeezing hard pulling me roughly against him.

"Woah little one I didn't give you permission to leav-" He was then cut off when he was harshly pulled off me and thrown onto the ground being pounced on by Aiden.

My eyes widen at the scene in front of me, I then look around for help but people were busy with their conversations they didn't bother taking notice of the fight. Not even Murphy he was too busy stealing vodka and loads of food.

With one punch to the face the blonde guy was knocked out, Aiden then left him pulling me with him to god knows where.

I was too in shock to pull away. We then stop when we're in the middle of the woods, Aiden panting walking back and forth with balled fists.

"How could you let him touch you like that?!" He shouted, I jumped at his harsh tone.

"I-I" I didn't know what to say this all happened so fast my mind was everywhere that I was lost at words.

"I want to fucking kill him for touching what's mine!" He pulls at his hair growling like a madman.

I didn't say anything, I just watched him as he shouted like crazy pacing back and forth pulling at his hair.

"How the hell can I keep every guy away from what's mine? How the fuck can I stop this from happening again?!" He shouted angrily probably talking to his wolf.

He then stopped the shouting and pacing, then looked at me with a smirk.

"I'll have to mark you so everyone knows you belong to me."


Credit to my best friend vminloving she helped me so much with this chapter :) comment and vote for more!!

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