Chapter 11

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I quickly run out of the classroom ignoring the teacher calling for me and run as fast as I can away from everyone. I run out of the school and I'm now in the parking lot looking around trying to figure out where the hell to go.

"The woods!" Forest shouts at me and I quickly run towards the woods and don't bother looking back and focus on getting as far away as I can.

I then stop when the pain is unbearable so I drop to my knees shouting in pain pulling at my hair.

"What is happening to me?!" I shout crying uncontrollably.

"Try staying calm Addy it'll be over soon." Forest tells me with a soft voice attempting to calm me but failed.

The pain then suddenly stopped when I smelled something absolutely horrid that I wanted to get rid of.

"No Adelaide ignore it! Ignore it!" I ignore Forest and follow the nasty smell.

I'm met with a grey wolf snarling his teeth at me. It's a rouge. I stared at the wolf with a deathly glare, it smelled so bad I needed to get rid of it. I wanted nothing but for the useless rouge to be put down.

I'd never felt this way towards anyone before.

I stare at it thinking about all the ways I can kill it. But then it falls onto the ground whimpering in pain as I stared at it confused. What was wrong with it?

"Adelaide! You're doing that stop it! Look away!"

My eyes go wide but I didn't move my eyes from the rouge it was too hard I couldn't control myself. I needed to hear it's heart stop.

"Stop it!" His addicting voice brought me out of my trance of pain I've inflicted on the rouge.

I turn around and I'm met with Aiden staring at me with shocked eyes.

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