Chapter 8

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After I ended my call, I sat back and focused on the screen before me. My head was nowhere here at work as I skimmed over the long list of unanswered emails in my inbox. It's almost too much to take in because I'm so distracted and at the same time still nauseous from the lingering odor of Julie's perfume and the awakening aroma of coffee now wafting the air in my office.

I gently place my hand on my stomach as it dipped again. The woes of morning sickness. It will only get worse before it gets better and dealing with it at work is really hard. I am genuinely worried that it will ruin any upcoming events on my agenda and I would hate to be confined to a desk if my father or Max gets wind of just how bad it will get. It was really bad with Miliana so I am hoping this pregnancy is easier.

I pull away from my desk and stand but immediately I grip the edge of it as the room spins. I take a big breath and sit back down. I groan as the queasiness begins again. This time I slowly stand and cover my mouth then make my way to my bathroom. After standing on shaky legs I reach for the sink and grab a hand towel and wet it with cold water. I place it on my neck hoping it would ease up the retching sensation still trying to surface.

"Mrs. Chase, you have a call on line 1, it's your sister."

I walk over as quick as I could. "Thank you, Julie."

I pick up the receiver and press the flashing button. "Hello."

"Hey half- pint are you busy?"

"I'm married with a kid and still can't shake the nickname." I breathe as she laughs.

"How are you?" she asks softly.

I exhale and circle around the desk to plop down gently in my seat. "I am hanging in there."

"Ouch that doesn't sound too enthusiastic. Is everything OK?" I listened to the concern in her voice. I know she is aware of all that happened a couple of days ago.

"Yea, but I'm better now. It's past me?" I mumbled.

"Well, you know if you need to talk, I'm her right?" she informs me.

"Yea I know." I reassure her.

I sighed and sat back for a while and pressed my hand to my stomach and listened as she spoke. The conversation went on from reassuring me of what my mother could have felt was post-partum depression. I doubted it. I wasn't going to argue with that.

"I hope I don't go through that," she sighs.

"You...The one that has sworn off baby making?" I sat up surprised with her admission.

"Hey not sworn off completely," she pauses. "I think it's time I get on the baby band wagon too." She laughs as I suddenly grin ecstatic with the news and squeal.

"Does that mean...?" I began. Hope and excitement filling within me.

"No. no. nothing yet. The last test was a false alarm." I heard the sadness in her voice as my smile disappeared. I slouch a bit guiltily look at my hand and think quickly for some words of support.

"Don't worry. When you least expect it, it will happen. Just relax and enjoy the process," I said.

"The process, huh?" she laughs.

I cover my face as I caught my error quick. "You know what I mean." My cheeks warm. Talking about sex with my sister wasn't the norm but she seemed ok with the whole thing.

"You know...they say that for some women that are hard to get pregnant, it's best to stand on your head after sex." The silence that followed was replaced immediately with my laughs as I pictured just that. I couldn't imagine it. The laugh that bubbled up between us was the highlight of my day. "Leave it to you to think of something like that Val," I shake my head calming down from the laugh.

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