Chapter 32

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**** Max****

"Gregory Winthrop just passed away."

My stomach plummeted to the floor as I knelt beside Kira hovered over the toilet. Her heart wrenching sobs tore me up. The call I had been dreading came in at three in the morning. Gregory Winthrop just passed away...I couldn't face her and tell her. But I had to. I stood by the door to our bedroom and watched her in deep slumber. How do I tell her? I thought.

When I finally caressed her cheek and watched her eyes open and settle on mine, that look of love turned to confusion then total disbelief. She pushed her way up off the bed in a rush that I had to hold her back. Her face was buried in my chest as she cried and begged me to let her go. Before I could utter another word, she darted into the bathroom, managing to reach the toilet bowl in time.

I pulled her into my lap and held her there in a comforting embrace until she calmed down. After some time I helped her get ready. Her mother, sister and brothers were already at the hospital. Poor Claire was an absolute mess. This day would go down as the worst my wife would have to endure. I felt helpless because I couldn't get rid of her grief. All I could do was give her all of my love and support.

After we arrived at the hospital we waited for her mother to return from the morgue. It was too much for Kira, so she sat with me in the waiting area. When Claire and her brothers pushed through the door, I stood by and watched her run to them.

It all felt surreal, the measured somber voice of his doctor spoke to them and explained that they did everything they could, but he didn't make it. He apologized, hugged Claire and gave her his condolences. The anguish I felt was crippling because we hadn't even told Miliana yet.

I stood by listening to them speak to the funeral attendant about his wishes in case this day ever came. In the mist of her tears, Kira spoke with the funeral attendant as Claire was just too distraught to continue. We were vaguely aware of those around us as preparations were being made for Gregory's burial. My cell phone was going crazy but I didn't have it in me to answer it. To deal with the business end of this tragic loss was overwhelming. My priority now was Kira, Miliana, the family and helping them cope.



It's what I found myself doing as I sat with the funeral director. I don't think I can shed any more tears. We went over a myriad of choices for my father's casket, his preparation, the wake and...his obituary. The formality of it all was like a clean, cut meeting. So business-like down to the minute detail until his body is laid to rest and buried. Documents were signed and forms were discussed, and suddenly it was done. Now, I could mourn and grieve as we set the date to lay him to rest and say our good-byes to my dad.

His death, as day finally turned into night, began to hit the spot. An avalanche of emotions just bombarded me the moment I suddenly felt my baby move. The finality of my father's presence in my life didn't dawn on me until that precise moment. It was so much clearer now... That he will never meet his grandson or any soon to come after.

When I finally settled into bed beside Max after getting Miliana to sleep, it's when everything just pours out of me. He caresses me so tightly as I shake in his embrace. The comforting warmth of his breath and his words on my ear, quiet me down to soft sobs. "We will get through this, baby," he whispers. And we will, I know we will because he will make sure of it.

The anguish I felt of what's next was crippling. As tears stream down my face in the quietness of our bedroom, I whisper the same question to Max. The pain I feel is palpable. Poignant. But he assures me that no matter what we do next, no matter my decision, he will be by my side every step of the way. He was firm with his words. My father placed me as his successor for a reason. But I didn't feel ready. I still needed the advice and support of the man that built our legacy with his blood, sweat and tears. I still needed my dad.

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