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parkinsonriles if you wish upon a star, makes no difference where you are, anything your heart desires, your dreams come true 💕

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parkinsonriles if you wish upon a star, makes no difference where you are, anything your heart desires, your dreams come true 💕

2.4M likes | 34.2k comments

theothersebastian that's my girl 😍
user1 she's just so beautiful like what genes from Adam and Eve were you blessed with
theothersebastian user1 I ask myself the same question everyday
imchrisevans make up tutorial link please
user2 of course Chris would ask for the make up tutorial
theothersebastian chrisevans you don't want to go down that road, they sound like assassins
parkinsonriles theothersebastian imchrisevans we may sound like assassins but that doesn't make us one
user3 the question is how many kilos of make up is she wearing to lie to us all
theothersebastian user3 lies? What lies? My fiance is beautiful with and without makeup so go find someone else to bother, cockroach
imchrisevans listen everyone, that's how you defend your woman, I REPEAT, THAT'S HOW YOU DEFEND YOUR WOMAN

theothersebastian that's my girl 😍user1 she's just so beautiful like what genes from Adam and Eve were you blessed withtheothersebastian user1 I ask myself the same question everydayimchrisevans make up tutorial link pleaseuser2 of course Chris w...

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theothersebastian did someone order a human full of hot and a side order of sunshine?

3.5M likes | 2.7k comments

parkinsonriles I actually ordered a human full of hawt and a side order of incredibly adorable but I guess you'll do 🤗
user1 ma and pa already acting like a married couple
parkinsonriles user1 8 years of a relationship will do that to you
theothersebastian parkinsonriles correction: 7 years, 9 months and 23 days
parkinsonriles theothersebastian what app are you using?
theothersebastian app? There's no app?
parkinsonriles theothersebastian 👀 mhmm 🐸☕
user2 u kno ur in trouble when ur girl hits the frog and tea emoji
theothersebastian user2 don't worry, it's nothing a couple kisses can't fix


author's note: just a little thing to get to know the characters before I set their world of happy on fire🙊

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