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 parkinsonriles spoiler alert: I picked out her outfit so that she could slay by her fiance's side at his award ceremony #HackedByTallBlondeGorgeous #leggamesostrong

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parkinsonriles spoiler alert: I picked out her outfit so that she could slay by her fiance's side at his award ceremony
#HackedByTallBlondeGorgeous #leggamesostrong

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user2 find you a man who dresses you like Chris Evans dresses Riley
theothersebastian 😍😍
imchrisevans you're welcome, you're welcome
parkinsonriles imchrisevans you're a god send 💕
imchrisevans parkinsonriles I know 😏
user3 basically, Chris Evans is the ultimate man: he loves children, he's a fucking superhero, he takes good photos, he's an animal lover and he can dress a lady too look like a fucking queen
parkinsonriles user3 husband material, almost
imchrisevans parkinsonriles user3 almost??¿¿
parkinsonriles imchrisevans almost
HanWyatt if I wasn't straight for Painfully Thick, I'd be gay for you 💕
parkinsonriles HanWyatt if I wasn't obsessed with tall, blonde and gorgeous fries, I'd be madly in love with you 💕
imsebastianstan came for the slay, stayed for the gay

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