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parkinsonriles I'm alive, I'm fresh faced and I've never been so free

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parkinsonriles I'm alive, I'm fresh faced and I've never been so free. Here's to a new chapter of the book that is called life. #CiaoAdiosImDone

2.4M likes | 1M comments

user1 yo she's deleted every photo she's taken that's linked to Seb 👀
user2 user1 I think they've split up
user3 she's okay! She's alive and she's okay
user4 we're happy to see that you're okay girlie
imchrisevans that's a huge relief
HanWyatt I want to slap you and kiss you at the same time
imsebastianstan momma is alive and well, that's good to see
parkinsonriles HanWyatt imchrisevans imsebastianstan I needed a break and I got one
imchrisevans parkinsonriles a whole seven day break?
parkinsonriles imchrisevans yes, a whole seven days and I honestly feel like I need 70 more
user5 only she could look that good without make up on
parkinsonriles user5 anyone can look good without makeup, you just have to believe it 💕
user6 if they've split up, I'm going to cry
parkinsonriles user6 don't do that, it's not worth the tears
ellengoodwin parkinsonriles just as you aren't worth his
parkinsonriles ellengoodwin correct. I'm worth so much more than his tears. Now if you're done, go back to collecting other's leftovers.
imchrisevans parkinsonriles who are you and what have you done with Riley Parkinson?
imsebastianstan I'm crying because my mom has blossomed into a beautiful butterfly

imchrisevans parkinsonriles who are you and what have you done with Riley Parkinson?HanWyatt yOU SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN GIRLimsebastianstan I'm crying because my mom has blossomed into a beautiful butterfly

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parkinsonriles she forced me to take her to coffee so that she could see me and thank god I was blessed by this beautiful human

(tagged: HanWyatt)

2.1M likes | 16.5K comments

user1 what's the secret to having a beautiful circle of friends tho
user2 is she single?
parkinsonriles user2 that's a stupid question, of course she is
HanWyatt parkinsonriles what can I say, I'm a free spirit?
HanWyatt also, that lighting was just wow I trust you with taking photos of me now 💖
imsebastianstan I have quite a few photos in my camera roll actually parkinsonriles HanWyatt
HanWyatt imsebastianstan I told you to delete my nudes, why do you still have them
imchrisevans I feel offended that you've agreed to a coffee date with Hanna Banana but you haven't yet answered the door for me
parkinsonriles imchrisevans my house is currently under deep spiritual cleansing. I'm ridding it of evil energy before anyone comes in again
user3 she's miss moving on so quickly, you'd think she was ready for this to happen
parkinsonriles user3 no-one's ready for an 8 year relationship to fall apart, find the door and leave
HanWyatt I'm so in love with this new Riley. I'm proud of my girl

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