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parkinsonriles I hope you guys tune in

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parkinsonriles I hope you guys tune in. I'll be very offended if you don't. So like. TUNE IN. TONIGHT.

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Riley let out a small laugh as the audience clapped once the break was over, grinning widely at her host once everyone quietened down

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Riley let out a small laugh as the audience clapped once the break was over, grinning widely at her host once everyone quietened down.

"For all those tuning in now, we've got Riley Parkinson on the show everyone!" Jimmy introduced, the audience applauding once again. "It's so nice to have you here, the is the first I've seen after the baby."

"Yeah, that's right, I think this is the first time anyone's seen me away from my house actually," she giggled softly, tucking a strand of her hair out the way. "I've been homebound since I've become a mom so you're not alone in that sense."

"And it's not just becoming a mom, is it? It's also because a fiancé." Jimmy brought up, making the younger woman laugh and blush subtly. "Congratulations on that, by the way."

"Thank you," she smiled widely, the two waiting for the audience to quieten down before continuing.

"Do tell us how that happened because I think everybody's confused because you and Chris were not actually in a relationship, were you?"

"No, we weren't. We aren't in a relationship when we 'conceived' either," she answered. "It's a very long story, but-"

"Well, that's what you're here for, spill the tea, Riley, the people want entertainment!"

"Fine, fine, I was in a difficult place and Chris offered emotional support in, obviously, more than one way," she laughed, feeling her face burning up as she told the story. "But, um, he's pretty much the closest thing I've had to a life partner ever since my split with Seb. We went the wrong way around though, first a baby, then really really close friendship and now we're getting married."

"You completely skipped the boyfriend girlfriend stuff."

"Yeah, no, I don't think we needed that part considering we have Amourette and we were already living under the same roof and all, so." She shrugged her shoulders, smiling when the audience cheered.

"How is she, by the way? I haven't had a chance to meet her."

"She's good, she's actually backstage with my best friend, Hannah and Chris because Chris is stubborn and didn't want to leave my side." She answered him, pointing to backstage. "But she's great, she's really great, we get along so well, like we're linked on a spiritual level."

"Oh, right, so you laugh, she laughs."

"Yeah, and when she cries, I cry too." She joked, making a face as the audience laughed and Jimmy gave her a strange look.


"Because I cry when I'm stressed and her crying makes me stressed," she covered her face as she laughed. "We're the same really. She cries when she cannot do something like, say, stack up some bricks, and quite frankly, I do the same."

"Don't we all?" Jimmy joked laughing with her. "But a quick question before we play a clip from your upcoming movie Okja, which is a very strange plot, are you in a good place now? I'm asking this is a friend concerned about a friend who cries when their baby cries." He addressed the audience with the last part, Riley laughing before nodding her head with a small smile.

"I think I'm in a very good place, surrounded by positive vibes only and people who love me and I have a child and life is going great." She answered. "My calendar was sped up a couple years but I'm loving everything that's going on, and I couldn't be better."

"Well, I'm very happy for you, and congratulations again with your engagement and your beautiful daughter and I wish you the best, and here's a clip from upcoming movie Okja."


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