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imchrisevans so maybe emergency sleepovers should be a common thing, no? @HanWyatt @parkinsonriles

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imchrisevans so maybe emergency sleepovers should be a common thing, no? @HanWyatt @parkinsonriles

1.9M likes | 8.4k comments

imsebastianstan you had a sleepover with two women and and didn't invite me? Lucky bastard
HanWyatt imsebastianstan calm down, I threatened him with chopsticks if he tried anything so you wouldn't have had fun anyway
imchrisevans imsebastianstan HanWyatt I wish I could say she didn't but she really did threaten me with chopsticks
parkinsonriles I'm more excited about the ice cream you guys have promised me :)
imsebastianstan maybe next time you can still invite me and I'll just sit in the corner or something HanWyatt imchrisevans
user1 count on sebastian to be turned on by the very idea of sleeping over with two beautiful women AND tall, blonde and gorgeous Chris
user2 user1 tbf, who wouldn't want to join that party?
theothersebastian I feel left out as well, should have passed up the offer of this meeting
imchrisevans theothersebastian yeah you really should have
parkinsonriles theothersebastian don't worry, you're in here in spirit, right?

imsebastianstan you had a sleepover with two women and and didn't invite me? Lucky bastardHanWyatt imsebastianstan calm down, I threatened him with chopsticks if he tried anything so you wouldn't have had fun anywayimchrisevans imsebastianstan Han...

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parkinsonriles ah the ice cream I was so rightly promised. You can count on Chris for the perfect comfort food 💕

2.1M likes | 11.2k comments

imchrisevans paid for by the money I owed you for the comfort food you have me
HanWyatt we should create a gang called the Comfort Foods because y'all are my comfort food heroes and I didn't need any comfort
user1 wait so who needed the comfort food
user2 probably a period thing user1
theothersebastian comfort food? What do you need comfort for?
parkinsonriles theothersebastian I don't think there should be a reason to eat comfort food
theothersebastian you're okay though, right? parkinsonriles
parkinsonriles theothersebastian yeahbsolutely :)

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