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imchrisevans get you a girl that surprises you with nuggets and jelly beans! She's not mine, but just get one like her #blessed

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imchrisevans get you a girl that surprises you with nuggets and jelly beans! She's not mine, but just get one like her #blessed

(tagged: parkinsonriles)

1.4M likes | 19.5k comments

user1 Chris Evans on his way to steal your girl theothersebastian
imchrisevans user1 the only thing I stole was the food because I didn't pay her back 😥
parkinsonriles imchrisevans what do you mean pay me back, you don't have to pay me back
user2 isn't it like 2am?
imchrisevans parkinsonriles too late already transferred the money into your bank account 🤗
theothersebastian she's a godsend
imchrisevans theothersebastian true af
parkinsonriles stop it, I'm blushing (not really I already know this) imchrisevans theothersebastian


parkinsonriles I realised something after getting Chris his comfort food 🤔 #ACCURATE #LookAtMyChrises

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parkinsonriles I realised something after getting Chris his comfort food 🤔 #ACCURATE #LookAtMyChrises

2.1M likes | 2.6k comments

user1 oh my lord
imchrisevans they're not wrong
chrishemsworth I'm taller so does that make me more gorgeous
parkinsonriles chrishemsworth I'd say so
imchrisevans #Offended
anthonymackie oh get over yourself, spangles, you already have a dorito shaped torso, what more could you want imchrisevans
parkinsonriles wHEEZING
user3 I think Chris died
imchrisevans which Chris user3
chrishemsworth which Chris user3
user3 imchrisevans chrishemsworth Evans

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