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parkinsonriles 3 days later and it's time to go hoooome #LeftWithABumpBackWithABaby

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parkinsonriles 3 days later and it's time to go hoooome #LeftWithABumpBackWithABaby

2.3M likes | 13.8K comments


imchrisevans have you ever come across something that's so beautiful you have to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming? That's how I feel about our little Amourette

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imchrisevans have you ever come across something that's so beautiful you have to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming? That's how I feel about our little Amourette. It's still hard to believe that this is all real. She's really mine, and she's really home.

2.2M likes | 28.6K comments

parkinsonriles ours* I didn't go through 14 hours of labour, dying for ten minutes and then extreme exhaustion for you to say she's yours p.s I love you really
scarlettjohansson we'll give you guys a week then we coming over to throw that party
imsebastianstan scarlettjohansson I'm all for this
anthonymackie scarlettjohansson I'm in too
imchrisevans parkinsonriles yes, she's ours, I'll correct myself next time


parkinsonriles first night back in my own bed post-baby and I forgot how good it felt

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parkinsonriles first night back in my own bed post-baby and I forgot how good it felt.
P.S Chris is the worst person to sleep with because his fricking dorito body makes everything difficult. You can't put your arms around a Dorito with arms the size of a tree 😥


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The Good Seb

The Good Seb
Have you told her how
You feel yet???

The Daddy
Not yet

The Good Seb
She just said she loves
On social media
And you're sleeping with
Women are confusing

The Daddy
I think she was just being
And I didn't want to leave
her, so I offered to stay
and she was okay with it

The Good Seb
What is there to stop
you from telling her
how you feel

The Daddy
The fact that she might
not feel the same maybe?
That night wasn't out of love
or anything
She was angry and upset
I just helped release some of
that tension

The Good Seb
Yeah that's not all you

The Daddy
My point is
I feel like the most I am right
now, is the father of her child
And her friend

The Good Seb
You're a lost cause
Time for reinforcements

The Daddy
What does that mean
read | 16:39


author's note: I had the thought of making a spin-off about Hannah and Sebastian, but like have you seen how many books I'm in the process of writing??

author's note: I had the thought of making a spin-off about Hannah and Sebastian, but like have you seen how many books I'm in the process of writing??

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