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imchrisevans in a world full of stars, I was blessed with the moon

2.1M likes | 18.3K comments

parkinsonriles stop ✋ making ✋ me ✋ blush
user1 they're definitely together
user2 I swear she has his notifs on
parkinsonriles user2 of course I do, I don't want to miss a Chris Evans post
imchrisevans parkinsonriles as long as I'm not upsetting you or making you cry, I won't stop

parkinsonriles stop ✋ making ✋ me ✋ blushuser1 they're definitely togetheruser2 I swear she has his notifs onparkinsonriles user2 of course I do, I don't want to miss a Chris Evans postimchrisevans parkinsonriles as long as I'm not upsetting you o...

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parkinsonriles my turn. I can't be the only one who feels personally attacked by this, right?

2.3M likes | 18.7K comments

user1 why you gotta break us like this
parkinsonriles user1 I have to see this face on a daily basis, my heart is numb
imchrisevans I'm glad my face makes you feel personally attacked
user2 rip me
user3 him and sebastian are sex gods
theothersebastian which sebastian? user3
parkinsonriles theothersebastian obviously Painfully Thick
imsebastianstan did someone order Painfully Thick fries?? Because I'm here
user4 someone's moving on from an 8 year relationship very quickly
parkinsonriles user4 well it's either that or I cry all day over a man who doesn't care and that's unhealthy and a waste of time. Just like the past 8 years of my life 🤗
HanWyatt don't you just wanna run your hands through his hair and kiss all over his face
parkinsonriles HanWyatt confession time: been there, done that
parkinsonriles HanWyatt also, careful what you say, you might get Painfully Thick jealous


Baby Daddy

Baby Daddy
Just checking in on you
You're okay despite everything?

Baby Momma
I'm fine
You literally said goodbye to
me in person fifteen minutes
I am fine

Baby Daddy
I know but that doesn't stop
me worrying about my
baby momma

Baby Momma
Well start learning to
Because it takes a lot to break
Actually these days, just the
wrong colour of pain can bring
me to tears lmao

Baby Daddy
That's baby hormones talking
That reminds me
I found the cutest cot

Baby Momma
You're not buying anything unless
I'm there
Or I'll beat you with my shoes
Then make you return the items

Baby Daddy
All I was going to say was that
it was nice and that you should
go have a look but okay
I won't buy anything unless
you're there
Pregnant you is scary

Baby Momma
Well innocent me is no more
I figured that cute and shy
seemed like a first class ticket
for people to screw me over

Baby Daddy
Well, I like you whatever way
you are

Baby Momma
Awe, if I didn't know better,
I'd say you were in love with me


The Good Seb

Father To Be
I've realized something
Something important
I'm in love with her

The Good Seb
You only realised that now?
You've had sex with her
You've impregnated her
You've taken full responsibility
of being a father
And you're only just realising
that you're in love with her?

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