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theothersebastian 24 hours and I see you again, I missed you so much 💕💕

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theothersebastian 24 hours and I see you again, I missed you so much 💕💕

2.3M likes | 19.9K comments

imchrisevans don't worry, we took good care of her
parkinsonriles I'm sure you did
theothersebastian parkinsonriles what's that supposed to mean?
parkinsonriles theothersebastian that I'm sure you missed me?¿? 🤔
user1 get you a man who misses you as much as Seb Matthias misses Riley Parkinson
parkinsonriles user1 you can definitely find a man who can miss you the way he misses me
user2 pretty sure she's after his business, watch when she dumps him for someone richer
parkinsonriles user2 yep, because the money I earn as an actress isn't enough, I also have to seek out the man I've dating since before we became super noticed and famous 🤗
user4 overrated
user5 it's been eight years, why are guys not over their relationship yet fml, they're soon going to be happily married
user6 notice how he hasn't defended her against the disgusting comments?
parkinsonriles user6 I'm fully capable of defending myself thanks

llengoodwin user6 he's a busy man with a woman who can take care of herself, he doesn't need to be sweeping up after every negative comment
ellengoodwin they're not even that bad anyway lmao
imchrisevans ellengoodwin I'm sure he's very very busy
parkinsonriles imchrisevans
theothersebastian I get up for two minutes and there's already a disagreement
HanWyatt theothersebastian a disagreement is one way of putting it

llengoodwin user6 he's a busy man with a woman who can take care of herself, he doesn't need to be sweeping up after every negative commentellengoodwin they're not even that bad anyway lmaoimchrisevans ellengoodwin I'm sure he's very very busypark...

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parkinsonriles I want to run away, just you and I
📷 imchrisevans

2.3M likes | 16.3K comments

user1 when she has an amazing taste in music
theothersebastian I'll be there soon enough for us to runaway
imchrisevans ah, there's the photo credit, thanks boo 💕
parkinsonriles imchrisevans you're most welcome 💕
HanWyatt I know you wanna run away with me babe but duty calls
parkinsonriles HanWyatt I was actually talking to Seb
theothersebastian parkinsonriles HanWyatt I feel loved
parkinsonriles theothersebastian I mean imsebastianstan
imsebastianstan that actually came out a lot weirder than I intended
parkinsonriles imsebastianstan more like your pAINFULLY THICK DI-
imchrisevans parkinsonriles imsebastianstan stop right there before you destroy everyone's image of your sweet innocence
theothersebastian imchrisevans what sweet innocence, it's all a facade
imsebastianstan theothersebastian and you're very familiar with facades

parkinsonriles deleted imsebastianstan's comment

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