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parkinsonriles I leave her with Chris for one minute and he's using a bucket as a bathtub 🙃 #IThoughtHeWasGoodAtParenting

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parkinsonriles I leave her with Chris for one minute and he's using a bucket as a bathtub 🙃 #IThoughtHeWasGoodAtParenting

2.1M likes | 27.3K comments

scarlettjohansson bless my child
imsebastianstan I'm surprised he didn't try to climb in himself
imchrisevans I AM good at parenting, it's called being a FUN parent
parkinsonriles imchrisevans um, she actually likes it when I sing with her
imchrisevans parkinsonriles everyone likes it when you sing, that's not a good example
parkinsonriles imchrisevans she likes my stories
user1 she's the cutest thing with the cutest parents
user2 we've all been blessed today

scarlettjohansson bless my childimsebastianstan I'm surprised he didn't try to climb in himselfimchrisevans I AM good at parenting, it's called being a FUN parentparkinsonriles imchrisevans um, she actually likes it when I sing with herimchrisevan...

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imchrisevans I'm good at parenting, she wouldn't be walking if it wasn't for me motivating her

2M likes | 18.3k comments

parkinsonriles you used pizza
imchrisevans parkinsonriles and it worked
imsebastianstan my parents seem to be in a very argumentative mood
scarlettjohansson imsebastianstan I reckon is sexual tension
imchrisevans scarlettjohansson oh no, sex isn't a problem
parkinsonriles imchrisevans are you implying there IS a problem?
imchrisevans parkinsonriles no, that's not what I meant at all
elizabetholsen I imagine Riley is now panicking because she doesn't know what the non-existent problem is
HanWyatt elizabetholsen oh, I can assure you she is, my phone is currently vibrating because she's spamming me
parkinsonriles HanWyatt betrayal

parkinsonriles you used pizza imchrisevans parkinsonriles and it workedimsebastianstan my parents seem to be in a very argumentative moodscarlettjohansson imsebastianstan I reckon is sexual tensionimchrisevans scarlettjohansson oh no, sex isn't a ...

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parkinsonriles Chris just asked me what it is I wanted to cheer me up because I just binge watched Game of Thrones and here's your answer folks. If you're not doing this on our wedding night, I'm instantly filing a divorce.

2.3M likes | 28.4K comments

user1 I just died
user2 omfg
imchrisevans buying whipped cream and cherries as we speak
HanWyatt imsebastianstan I hope you're still taking notes
imsebastianstan HanWyatt stop calling me out in public, I'd like them to know I'm a pro at this stuff
parkinsonriles scarlettjohansson 👅👅👅💦
scarlettjohansson parkinsonriles BLOCKED
imchrisevans parkinsonriles scarlettjohansson 👀


author's note: CONFESSION: I watched the movie that the last gif came from (Not Another Teen Movie) for the sake of seeing Chris Evans like this and let me tell you, if you haven't watched it, it's so worth it. Spoiler alert: he turns around and has some cream and a banana (me thinks) on his butt too. It was my favourite favourite scene for sure

 It was my favourite favourite scene for sure

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