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parkinsonriles Liability by Lorde is on repeat and I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating

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parkinsonriles Liability by Lorde is on repeat and I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating

1.8M likes | 19.7K comments

imchrisevans I really love not being given credit for good photos I take
HanWyatt imchrisevans the picture is too blurred, why would you want credit for that
theothersebastian HanWyatt imchrisevans because she looks good in everything no matter how blurred
parkinsonriles theothersebastian you forgot to mention that I look good in nothing at all
chrisevans parkinsonriles 🐸☕
HanWyatt 🐸☕
imsebastianstan I'm just joining in on this frog tea thing but I have no idea what's going 🐸☕
user1 that's a queen right there
user2 her supportive circle of friends is what I need in life
parkinsonriles imsebastianstan it's okay bby we'll fill you in
theothersebastian I also forgot to say no cRYING. I'm not comfortable with knowing that my girl is in tears
parkinsonriles theothersebastian I said my eyes were sweating 🤔

imsebastianstan PSA: this woman is my mom and she's the best #GettingFilledIn #AlsoPouringInSomeTea photo credit before he has a hissy fit : imchrisevans

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imsebastianstan PSA: this woman is my mom and she's the best #GettingFilledIn #AlsoPouringInSomeTea
photo credit before he has a hissy fit : imchrisevans

17.8K likes | 11.3K comments

user1 how can someone have such a beautiful group of friends
imchrisevans user1 beauty attracts beauty
HanWyatt more like bOOTY attracts beauty because have you seen her booty
imsebastianstan HanWyatt everyone's seen her booty and quite frankly, neither of us are disappointed
user2 so then who's your father?
imsebastianstan user2 imchrisevans because he's the fun one and quite frankly mom is too strict
HanWyatt also, Chris you're terrible at this photography thing you got me in the background
imsebastianstan HanWyatt leave my dad alone he tried his best okay
parkinsonriles I forgot to warn you about how much tea you'll be needing
HanWyatt don't worry, he's spat most of it out anyway
imchrisevans am I the only one sensing Sebastian X Hannah vibesss??
HanWyatt um Seb is hot but he's too thick for me
parkinsonriles HanWyatt painfully thick*
imsebastianstan I'm not painfully thick
imchrisevans we should probably ask every woman you've slept with, Hannah being the first
user3 #HebExposed
imsebastianstan HanWyatt already at the airport mate
parkinsonriles imchrisevans look, our child is in love
imchrisevans parkinsonriles that makes two of us
theothersebastian I feel like I'll need filling in once I'm back
imchrisevans theothersebastian more than you know 🤗


author's note: I have no idea what this is tbh 🙃

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