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Josilyn POV


I marched into the living room, Sammy in my arms with a newly changed diaper, "Why is your sister texting me that she just booked tickets to fly in?"

Louis didn't look away from TV when he answered, "Is this a trick question?"

"Louis!" I snapped in a way that made him groan in agitation, having the nerve to even throw his head back, which pissed me off even more.

This man had no idea what the hell he was signing me up to deal with by having his family coming in so soon.

He lifted his arm, "Excuse me, sweetheart," he said, making Angel sit up from leaning into him so he could stand, "I'll be back. Your mother wants to argue again."

"Hilarious, Louis."

He led me a few steps out of the room and grabbed my shoulders, asking with a slightly amused smile as if preparing himself for a joke, "And what's the problem with my family coming and seeing their nephew and grandson?"

I brushed his hands off. "The problem? We agreed no visitors first few weeks and Lottie just booked tickets for all of them tomorrow."

His eyebrows shot up, and he laughed once. "We had no such discussion."

"Oh yes we did."

The smile was noticeably faltering as he repeated, "No we did not."

"Louis, whether you remember it or not, everything hurts! My boobs are sore, my back still aches, my feet are still swollen, and my uterus? It's still cramping every day, remember that? I don't have the energy to deal with your sisters and and their hugging and their coddling. My mother just left two days ago!"

"Exactly. Your mother flew in and we all had to deal with it," he said. "You can do the same for my family."

It actually hurt how much of my rant he'd just blocked out. There was no way he was trying to make comparisons here.

"The only reason my mom flew in against my will was because you told her the exact moment I gave birth."

"Like you should've."

"That wasn't for you to decide. I know my mother, and I know she would've flew in as soon as she found out. And I knew I wouldn't have been mentally or physically prepared, like I wasn't. Like I'm not."

He sighed, "What are we arguing about? What is it? You want me to tell them to come later?"


"No," he said simply. "It's not fair to anyone. Are we done?"

"I'm drained, Louis. As my husband, I'd love it if you were a little more empathetic and not asking this of me."

"Jo, I'm not asking you to do anything. They love you. They want to see you. They'll help and take Sammy off your hands."

"I don't want him taken off my hands."

"You need a break."

"Exactly so tell your family to come another time! What I need is peace and time alone with my son to recuperate."

The Accident 2 (Sequel) // L.T.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن