Coming Back (Chapter 47)

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I made my way to the cafeteria. It was the first day of freshmen year. High school is an exciting thing for me. What will I encounter? There are lots of things you'd expect once you've stepped on this level. I was with my best friend, Stella Mead. She had medium length blonde hair, she was in jeans, a collared blouse and her converse. It was a good thing we both decided to attend to Silla High together and that meant we only knew each other there.

We pushed open both the doors to the cafeteria, revealing a chaotic place in school. I looked around for a seat then Stella tapped my arm.

"Over there," she pointed at the far left. "Looks unoccupied."

"Sweet," I said, starting to walk over there.

We were about to sit down when a girl with brownish hair placed her tray on the table. She was with another girl with darker hair up to her elbows.

"Oh, shit, sorry," I said. "Were you here first?"

"Oh, uh, no," the girl said. "We're actually new here."

"You are?" Stella beamed a smile. "We're freshmen too!"

"Really?" the other girl said. "That's amazing! I'm Julie. This one over here is Audrey."

"Hi," Stella smiled again. "I'm Stella. And this is Luke."

I waved at them. "Uh, mind if we just share seats then?" I asked.

"Sure," Audrey said. "Now you two get your lunch before they run out of food."

Stella nodded and we walked going over to the cafeteria ladies. Stella and I got the same type of food since we're almost like twins. We turned around to go back to our table where Julie and Audrey were waiting. When we got there, two boys and a girl were standing by the table.

"Sorry, the seats are taken," Julie said.

"We can share, don't worry," the guy with black hair said.

"No, I don't- Oh there they are!" Audrey exclaimed, pointing at Stella and I.

"Uh, hi," I said to the other kids. "Is there a problem?"

"We don't have any more seats. Mind if we share with you?" the girl said. "I'm Larrisa. This is Calum," she pointed at the black haired guy. "And this is Michael. We're freshmen here so we're so sorry if we don't know the way around."

Stella chuckled. "Don't worry," she said. "We're all freshmen here."

"Really?" Michael said. "Wow, maybe we can all hang out, yeah?"

"Hmm, yeah, that'd be fun," Julie said, standing up and reaching her hand to Michael. "I'm Julie. This is Audrey, Stella and Luke."

"This is cool," Calum said. "Its a great way to start high school, don't you think?"

We sat down on the bench. Stella on my left, Calum on my right, Michael on his, Larrisa in front of Calum, Julie in front of me and Audrey in front of Stella. These people were nice. they weren't the pranksters you'd find in high school movies (even if Michael and Calum looked like it [ya don't say?]). These kids were cool because I had tons of similarities with Calum and Michael.

"Oh, uh do you mind if we add another member of this little group?" Julie shyly asked.

"Depends," Michael said. "Guy or gal?"


"Ooh," Calum said. "That'd be cool. I mean, you girls are four and us boys are only three. Who's the jock?" He moved his eyebrows up and down.

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