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"Oh this is a disaster!" I complain to my mother. Why does this have to happen to me?
"Marinette please, calm down. Everything will be alright." My mother said as she gave me my lunch and I quickly ate it.
"Okay. Come back straight after school we have lots of planning and packing." Mom said. Giving me my backpack.
"But, Alya wanted me to help her with the Ladyblog tonight." I said. Alya really needed my help o design her page and logo.
"Bring Alya here. I think that if your going to keep this a secret from your class up until the coronation then you should have your closest friend there to help you." Mom said with a cheeky smile. I was overjoyed.
"Oh goodness thank you so much!" I said as I gave her a hug and yelled goodbye to my dad. I couldn't wait till school ended! It's been so hard to keep this a secret from everyone. I know that lie in Paris is amazing, but I do miss being in the palace and all my friends I made there and my family. I think Plagg missed Tiki too. Tiki is also a can but she was quite strange. She had these weird red dots on her tail and ears. Awhile back when I was 4, we found her when we were traveling. She was on the side of the pavement, all alone with no one to care for her. So we took her in. Tiki and Plagg bonded instantly and they've been best friends ever since. They're adorable together!
Just thinking about back home made me tear up abit as I was walking up the stairs.
"Hey girl, you okay?" Alya asked me concerned.
"Oh. Yeah I'm okay but after school your coming to my place, I have something really important to tell you!" I say, putting all the sadness of missing home behind me and focusing on the excitement I hope Alyas reaction will hold.
"Sure girl. Is this about what sort of dress your creating for us, so we can look presentable when we go to the coronation?" Alya asked. I could see the mischief in her eyes.
"Not exactly, but it does have something to do with us going to China." I smirk. Alya laughed and walked into the classroom.
"What's up dudettes?" Nino said as we walked into the classroom. Mrs Bustier wasn't here yet so I figured we still had a little bit of time to continue drawing.
"Nothing much just planning stuff" Alya shrugged. We both sat down, that's when I realized Adrien wasn't here.
"Hey Nino, where's Adrien?" I asked. What if something bad happened to him?
"He said he had some early photo shoot so he'll be late but he thinks he should be back for end of second, start of third period." Nino said as he started to untangle his headphones.
"Oh okay." I said. I wonder what the boys will think of me becoming the Queen of China.
"Hey Nino. What would you do i someone really close to you told you they had a secret identity?" I asked. He looked at me weirdly.
"Uh. I don't know dudette. It kinda depends on what identity it is. Why?" He said suspiciously.
"Uh I'm writing a story for English and it's about how people umm react to uh different situations where-Um- people close to you have ehhh secrets? Yeah." I say nervously. I probably shouldn't have said this.
"Okayyy then." He said before we were interrupted by Alix.
"So, Marinette. You're class representative. When we go to china, what will we do? Will we get to meet the Princess or something?" Alix asked me. I felt so uncomfortable other people including me too, talking about myself in the third person.
"Uhm. I don't know. I didn't actually know that we were attending my-um the princess' coronation. We didn't discuss anything at the meeting. Sorry Alix but you're going to have to wait." I shrugged. Hoping that everyone listening in would not be able to pick out my mistake.
"Oh okay then. See ya around." Alix waved and walked back over to Kim, Max, Juleka and Rose.
The teacher walked in finally and I felt so relieved. Mrs Bustier started talking about lots of tests we will have in the upcoming months and started doing a load of math equations and for once I was paying attention.
When the bell ended, I couldn't wait any longer so I quickly texted mom and told her I needed to tell Alya now. I didn't wait for her to reply since I know she would probably agree anyways. So I ran over to Alya who was talking to Nino.
"Alya. I can't really wait to tell you so if you come with me I'll tell you now. Sorry to take your girlfriend away from you Nino but this is urgent." I didn't even wait for him to disagree with me, I had already dragged Alya out of the classroom.
"Woah! What is wrong with you today?" Alya asked surprised when we had gotten away from everyone.
"Okay. I know this may freak you out and you probably won't believe me at first and may be angry that I didn't tell you but it was all for my safety and yours I promise!" I start. Alya looked uncertain. God I hope she understands and isn't angry at me.
"Girl your starting to freak me out." Alya said with the same expression in her face. I took a very deep breath.
"Alya this is very important and I need you to know that you can't tell anyone! Do you promise?" I asked.
"Yes! This must be big if your taking this long. You do realize we have to be in class in about 50 seconds right?" She laughed.
"Alya I'm the Princess of China." I blurted out. Omg it was so good to say that out loud. Alya stopped laughing. She looked at me up and down. And she did it again. And again.
"What?" She said confused.
"I'm the princess of China. I couldn't tell you because there are people that think a woman shouldn't be in charge of a country and that a man should and want me dead or to have my throne ripped away from me. I beg of you not to tell anyone." I plead with tears in my eyes.
To this very day I could still hear the men outside of the castle doors shouting for me to come out and my mother protecting me by locking me in the highest room in my castle. I was only 8 yeas of age and people already wanted me gone. Suddenly I was brought out of my memory trip by Alya hugging me.
"Of course I just can't believe my best friend is actually a princess." She said with a smile on her face. I laugh wiping my tears away. "I'm so glad you understand." I say.
"Let's go to class. We're late!" She said as we rushed out and ran to class.

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