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When I was inside I went to look for my parents. The bakery was closed so no customers were here. I found them in the living room with my suitcases.
"Marinette, we need to talk." My mother said. I nodded and went to sit with them.
"What's up?" I said. This must be serious because I could feel the tension.
"We have some news about how your getting to the palace safely and about your dress. You still haven't chosen one." Father said. I haven't chosen one because there wasn't any I liked. Why can't they understand?
"I don't like any of the ones my lady's chose. I prefer to choose my own." I say stubbornly.
They sighed.
"Well then. Since your being moody about it and that we don't have a lot of time, when we get back you may choose your dress." Mother said. I smiled big only for a few second she because I could feel their eyes on me again. "And the other thing you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked.
"Well. We have arranged for Cole and Josh to pick you up from the airport and take you to the castle. And Alya will be allowed if she would like to come with you." Mom said looking a bit more like herself. Bubbly and cheery.
"Will my teacher not get a bit suspicious?" I asked. If she does, then so will my classmates and that's before the coronation has even started.
"That's why tomorrow, before you leave, you will tell her who you are and what will happen once your in China. Now, I think it's Time for you to get ready for tomorrow don't you?" Mom says as she and father walked away. I guess so.
I walked to my room and saw Plagg sleeping. Awh he was so adorable when he sleeps. I think before I wake him up Ill have a quick shower. I jumped in the shower and turned on the hot water. It was so hot, I came out red. But I smelled so much like strawberries!
When I stepped out of my bathroom, I went to put on my pajamas and as I headed for my bed I saw that Plagg was already awake, drinking his milk on his bed. I laughed at the sight. His fur was all fuzzy and had milk all over his face.
"Awh. Come here Plagg" I said. I picked him up and put him on my bed and started o clean him up.
" Mama and Papa are going to take you with them instead. I'll be leaving before you so your going to have to behave yourself okay?" I say to him before I give him a big hug and buy him down. I decided to finish off some homework for a while and then design some more ideas for my dress. I created lots. There were fishtail dresses, big poofy dresses, slim dresses, body in dresses, dresses with floral designs. I wasn't kidding when I said there was a lot. And before I knew it, it was already 7pm. I put all my things away in my cupboard since I know I won't be back for sometime, and lock it. Just incase someone tries to break in.
"Marinette? Your dinner is ready." Mom said. Oh gosh I was so hungry. I raced downstairs. I could already smell the food. I walked into the dining room and saw...PIZZA! No one knows how much I adore pizza. There were quite a few. Cheese pizza, pizza with mushrooms, ham and pineapple pizza, pizza and peppers omg I felt like I was in heaven.
"Thank you!" I say as I chomped down a big slice of pizza. My mother and father looked at me as if I was crazy. Then I realized what it was.
"My manners will get better once I'm back at the palace I promise." I say with my mouth full. My parents laughed and I laughed with them.
Once we had finished, I went back to room to watch a bit of Netflix with Plagg. I've literally watched everything so I decided to rewatch Once Upon A Time, Reign and Shadowhunters. I honestly ship basically everyone, I think I have a problem! By the time j finished it was just over midnight and I have a 7 hour flight so I went to sleep!
I woke up about 8ish and got ready. I decided to wear, black jeggings, a stripy cropped top, and a denim jacket with black ankle boots.

"How do I look Plagg?" I asked my sleepy kitty

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"How do I look Plagg?" I asked my sleepy kitty. He purred in approval. I smiled and ruffled his head.
"I'll see you at the castle okay? Have fun my little fur ball" I say as I kissed the top of his rad and headed downstairs.
"Marinette are you ready?" Father asked.
"Yeah. I'm coming now." I say as I run downstairs to get my suitcases. Mother and father hugged me tightly.
"Okay. When you get to Airport here, there will be a few security guards that will know you, be polite an bow if they bow to you." Mother said. I nodded.
"And when you get to the Airport in China, Cole and Josh will come and collect you. You will be taken away instantly from your classmates and will have to make and excuse but it's for your protection. As you know, there are people who don't think your fit to rule, but we have faith in you Marinette darling." My mother kissed my head.
"I better get going!" I say as I hug my parents and run to school, well as fast as I can without scratching my suitcase!
When I got to school, Alya was dressed completely different!
She was wearing denim shorts, a white cropped top, a plaid over-shirt and sandals.

"Alya! You look amazing omg!" I said stunned at her

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"Alya! You look amazing omg!" I said stunned at her. She wouldn't normally wear things like this.
"Thanks girl you too! Though, I though you would've wore something like this?" She said with a confused expression.
"I would've but I thought about the Princess side of me and decided to wear something a little less revealing" we both laughed.
"I love that top by the way-" Alya stopped.
"What's wrong? Have I got something on my fave or spilled somethin?" I say as I check everywhere.
"Where. Did. You get. Those... ABS?!" She almost screamed. Oh. I looked down and saw what she meant. When I was little I saw that all of the older girls at the balls we held used corsets and they didn't look very comfortable so I decided to work out a bit so I wouldn't have to wear one.
"I don't like corsets so I work out every now and again." I shrug. I don't know why people need to wear corsets.
"Well girllll it's totally payed off you look hot! And I know who else would think that if you showed them off abit more!" She pointed to Adrien and Nino walking our way. Suddenly j felt a little self conscious.
Before I could turn away, Alya pushed me and I fell into Adriens arms!
"Woah! You okay Mari!" Adrien asked as I stood up.
"Ah guess yeah so. I mean yeah I so guess. Wait no I mean I guess so." I smile nervously. Adrien stifled a giggle as he patted my back and headed Of to stand with Nino and Alya who totally ditched us!
As soon as I finally managed to stand with them and not faint, everyone was complimenting me and Alya on our outfits.
"Hey, did you guys know Marinette works out?" Alya said slyly. I have her a heavy glare and covered my stomach with my arms. Alya just laughed at me.
"Do you? I didn't know that and I've known got for ages!" Nino said.
"There's a lot about me you don't know." I murmur.
"What was that?" Adrien asked.
"Uh I said that I only do it a little bit. No big deal." I smile. Yes! No stuttering. I'm on a roll here!
"No big deal? Look at this package!" Alya said as she ripped my arms away from my stomach and lifted my top up half way.
The boys looked at me in shock, I quickly smacked Alya's hands away.
"Alya!!" I scream.
"You can't kill me yet, were about to leave!" Alya ran off towards miss Bustier who was calling us to all board the coach.
"You know Marinette, you may be as fit as me with that six pack! I mean, you are fit but like fitter than I expected. Not that I meant that in a bad way-" Adrien said nervously as I cut him off.
"Thank you Adrien." I laugh and head over to miss Bustier because I still haven't talked to her about my identity whoops!
As everyone boards the bus I talk to miss Bustier.
"Miss Bustier can I have a word?" I ask.
"Of course. What's up?" She said kindly.
"I'm not sure if my mother and father have contacted you? But I think there is something you need to know about me." I say.
"Ah yes. Your mother came to me yesterday, your majesty." She laughed and bowed her head. I bowed politely and laughed.
"When I get of the plane I have two bodyguards that will take me to my palace for my safety. Just thought you should know" I say as She nods her head and we both board the bus and head to the airport.

Just saying guys this is my longest chapter ever woohoo! A full 1,600+ 😂

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