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I finally find alya the perfect outfit!
It was a yellow cropped hoodie and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. I let her pick her footwear.
"Like it?" I ask. She looked in the mirror and hummed. She turned around and then turned towards me.
"I love it." Alya said and smiled. "Yellow is defiantly my colour."
"It really is! Now, c'mon. I'll call sofia up to do your makeup if you want?" I ask and start to head towards the buzzer.
"Uhm, no that's okay. I'll just stick to my lipstick aha. Thanks tho." Alya smiled.
"No problem! Shall we head down? Everyone must be ready by now." I suggest. Alya nodded and we went to meet everyone in the foyer.
Almost everyone was here. But we were missing 2 people, and by the silence I'm pretty sure it was Chloe and Sabrina that were running late. Of course they were.
I saw miss Bustier roll her eyes, when the two girls finally decided to show up.
"Okay. Now that everyone is here, I'm going to give each of you a number and that will be your coach number either 1 or 2.
Alya-1, Chloe-2, Nino-1, Marinette-2, Ivan-1, Adrien-2, Mylene-1, Rose-2, Kim-1, Juleka-2, Max-1, Sabrina-2, Alix-1,
Nathaniel-2. I will be joining coach 1. Now hurry up and get on." She said and made her way towards the doors.
"I'm so bummed I'm not with you girl but at least your with adrien!" Alya said, enthusiastically.
"Yes. And Chloe and Sabrina. Ugh I'll probably make a mess of myself as usual. But hey, your with Nino l!!!" I said.
"Don't. Just don't mari." She said bluntly. I just laughed at her and got onto my bus.
I honestly didn't think much of who I sat down next to but when I did I almost had a heart attack. ADRIEN!!!
'Keep cool, mari! I can do this, I can easily have a conversation with a boy I've had a crush on for about 3 years m, totallyyyy.' I say to myself, in my head.
"Hey, Marinette." Adrien smiles at me. How dreamy is he?!
"Oh Uhm hi Adrien." I say and smile back proudly.
"Are you excited? I mean didn't you used to go to school here before you moved to Paris?" He says. Shit! Why did I tell him.
"Uhh yeh I guess. I doubt anyone will remember me though." I laugh. Of course they will remember me, I'm the crown princess of China.
"Of course they'll remember you, how could they not? You're amazing" he said. I felt my cheeks turn a rosy red colour when those words theft his lips.
"Oh Uhm thanks" I smile nervously.
For the rest of the journey, I found a bit of my confidence and we had the loveliest conversation which I couldn't wait to tell alya about! We talked about our parents, about school, about what we want to become once we leave school. I obviously told him something in the fashion industry but I knew I'd never get to achieve that dream. I must've fell asleep too because when we stopped I felt adrien tug my shoulder to awaken me.
"Oh. Sorry marinette, but Uhm we are here." He said and he stood up.
"Oh right. Yeah." I laugh and unfasten myself and we made our way of the buss and too the entrance of the school. In all honesty, I was super nervous. I hadn't been here in years and I didn't know if cole had gotten someone to remind the staff and children not to call me princess or bow or whatever.
"Girl you okay?" Alya asked, catching up with me.
"Oh, yeah. Just don't want any slip ups or anything. Thanks Alya." I said. I'm so relieved to have best friend like her. She's the best!
"And this visit takes my mind of father. I do hope he's okay." I say worriedly.
"Girlll, he will be perfectly fine. We'll only be gone a couple of hours and then you can go back." Alya hugged me and we both went to catch up with the group.
"Okay everyone, now do remember that these children are only young, so watch your language and be on your best behavior." Miss Bustier said as we approached the school entrance.
"Collegé Francoise DuPont? come right through." A woman who was in the main office said and buzzed us through.
As I walked past I saw her gently curtsy. I gave her a little smile and a nod before following my class.
"Dayum! Mari, you went to school here? This is well cool." Kim said.
"Yep. One of the best schools I've here been too." I say proudly. I wasn't lying either. When I attended this school, everyone didn't act differently. They just let me be, and got on with it. To them, I was one of them and I couldn't have been any more happier. I was very worried about everyone treating me differently but I hate lying to everyone.
"Welcome everyone. I hope you are all doing well. I am Mrs. Garcia, the principle of this school. Today, I will be showing you around and hopefully you will be able to join us for some of our classes." She said, happily. I don't know Mrs. Garcia. I guess she's knew.
"Yo, Mrs. Garcia. Do you know Marinette? She used to go to this school." Alix asked. I didn't know how the woman would respond.
"Actually, I don't. I'm new around here." Mrs. Garcia said with a gentle nod towards me. I guess she got the memo. I felt a weight lift if my shoulders. I smile at her.
"I think we'll start with a tour then I will take you to some of our lessons that are on." She spoke to us all as she led us out of the foyer and into a long corridor filled with doors, windows and art work.
"This is the languages section. We have English, French, Spanish, German and Italian, currently going on. Would you like to have a look?" She asked us. We all nodded and she split us into different groups so we could visit each classroom. I was lucky enough to get out into a group with Adrien, Nino and Alya. Unfortunately, Chloé and Sabrina was here too. We walked into the English classroom and everyone stared at us. It was quite uncomfortable but I'll have to get used to this from now on.
"Everyone, these children are visitors from College Françoise DuPont, a french school. Be kind." A bubbly woman spoke to the young children. I didn't know if they really understood what was happening. It was all going perfectly fine. The kids were talking to us and having a wonderful time. So was I, until one of the children had spotted me. I heard the cutest, little gasp.
He ran towards one of his friends. She gasped too. I began to worry, then I felt a little tug on my skirt.
"Hi, your majesty." She spoke in a little voice. I smiled and knelt down.
"Hello. What's your name." I whispered nicely.
"Lisbeth." She beamed at me.
"That's a beautiful name. How are you today?" I asked.
"I'm really happy. Can I tell my friends about you." She asked. This girl was the sweetest.
"Maybe after we leave. But until then you must remember to keep the secret okay." I say and hold out my little finger.
"I pinky promise." She smiled and linked her little finger with mine. I gave her a hug before I stood up and she ran away to a table.
"What was that about?" Nino asked me.
"She was the sweetest little girl ever!" I gushed.
"Really? Why?" He asked confused. I shrugged.
"She was just so nice and we made a promise which I can't tell you about." I said with a wink. He shook his head and laughed at me.
"Okay, I think it's time for our guests to leave and enjoy the rest of their trip yes?" The woman said. The children agreed with her and we left. I was the last to leave but so thankful that I was. I quickly made my way to the front of the class and felt the need to thank them for being such a lovely community. I curtsied to them and left. I winked at Lisbeth before I caught up with my group.
The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly but there was a few times I was called outfit being the princess and I had to deny it obviously but everyone was so confused. I caused too much of a scene here and had to quickly escape. There were already paparazzi outside the school. As I was escorted away from my group alone quickly by my security, i ran straight to the car. I couldn't make anymore chaos here I needed to leave. Anyways, I had a lot of planning to do and was desperate to see father.
"Cole?" I waved over. He came over immediately.
"Could you give this to one of the paparazzi people?" I say and handed him a perfectly folded letter.
"Of course." He smiled and took my note over to the paps.
I saw the gentleman open the letter, read it and smile at me.
"Princess, you are so kind! Thank you." He should over to me. I nodded my head in respect and got into the car.
"What exactly did that letter say, mari?" Cole asked driving me away.
"I wanted to donate a few thousand to that school. As beautiful it is, I think it could be a bit bigger. And I just thanked them for doing all they can to educate the people." I say with a smile. I love doing good deeds for people.
"Your too kind." He said with a chuckle.
I shrug.
When we got back to the castle, I went straight to the medical room.
"How is he?" I asked the male nurse.
"He's doing a lot better. He has awoken and has been outside. He should be out say three days time? All ready for your coronation, your royal highness." He said and went with me to my father.
When I saw him, he looks so well. He was full with colour and he had a big smile on his face. Of course mother was with him too, but it brings me such joy to see him like this again.
"Father!" I say and ran to give him a gentle hug. I swallowed my tears.
"Hey pumpkin." He chuckled. I squeezed a little tighter.
"Oh dear, do me careful with him. He's still fragile" mother said cautiously.
"Sorry father." I said and let go of him and say down on the end of his bed.
"That's okay my love. How was the school?" He asked me.
"It was good. And I hope you don't mind but I kind of gave a few thousand pounds to the school to help build better and bigger classrooms." I said.
"That's such a wonderful idea." Mother said with a smile.
"I'm so proud mari!" Father said and sat up a little to hold my hand.
I couldn't wait for these three days to be over with so he could come back inside and I could be stress free. And it would bring my coronation date closer then I could tell everyone about it and not lie.
But all that was on my mind was my fathers recovery and I was so happy and so probs of how strong he has became.
Hey!! So so sorry for the wait. I had so many ideas and story lines but just couldn't put them into words so I started this again. And I'm sorry for waiting this long to actually publish something. I also have another story idea which I really think you guys might like but I'm not going to publish it, till it's finished.
Hope you guys have an amazing day/night, thanks for putting up with me, love always xo
p.s- ariana grande's new single No Tears Left To Cry is on iTunes and Spotify now so go buy it, it's such a bop and has so much meaning to me 💘💘💘

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