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{Marinette POV}
Once everyone was packed and in the car it hardly seemed like any time had passed till we got to my home. I looked around. Everyone was pretty excited. Especially when we pulled up to the front gates. The guards were very uptight but looked at josh and he sorted them out. They nodded and opened up. We stopped then Cole and josh got out of the car to let us all out.
I saw everyone, even Ivan, had a huge smile on their faces. They only thing bad about this, is hearing Chloe's echoing screeches of happiness. I honestly hate the fact I'm going to reveal myself to my friends but can't wait to see Chloe's face when she knows she's been bullying the future queen of China!
I look around at the windows and saw the maids and noblemen and women look out the windows in curiosity.
I'm almost regretting this idea to bring them here. I'm not embarrassed by my friends but they're very noisy and might make a bad impression of me. I don't want that. Their food and money are very useful to this kingdom. I quickly run over to Cole.
"Cole? Can you please tell my class the rules of the palace? I spotted some of the nobles father has invited for my coronation inside." I ask. He smiled at me.
"No problem, princess." He said before turning to the class and asking for their attention, instantly silencing them.
"Okay. Now that I have your attention, before you enter the palace there are some rules." He said. He looked at me. There aren't really any rules but we need to have them whilst they stay.
"I am not bat very good at explaining so I will let Marinette do the talking." He quickly stepped out of the attention and all eyes were on me. I could hear the mumbling and questions.
"Basically I know the rules cause one, I lived here before moving to Paris and two, the princess is my friend." I say, making up a story.
"Rule number one, no shouting or screaming. There are very important people here to see the princess so don't be loud.
Number two, no running down the halls, they echo because it's an old, marble corridor.
Number two, you have to stay out of the west wing of the palace, which is the Princess' bedroom quarters and the North wing which is mot- the king and queens bedroom quarters.
Other that you can do whatever you want." I say smiling and looking at josh so he can lead us inside.
"Okay then. Now that you know the rules welcome to the palace." He said, opening the doors wide to show my beautiful hall, with the marble staircase with silk curtains and a rose-gold slim carpet going up the marble stairs.
I saw everyone's face light up at the sight.
"Okay listen up, listen up." I herd miss Bustier say. I instantly turn around and focus on her.
"I have maps of the palace because it's a big place, in my hand. It has your sleeping arrangements on here and stapled to it, is your timetable. This isn't just some field trip, it's also and educational one. We will have tours around museums and then you will have 2 days at a popular, local chinese school." My teacher said whilst handing out the papers. I took one too even though I know where it is and what their timetable is like. I saw Alix and Kim's hand shoot up.
"Yes Kim." Miss Bustier says to the athlete. I heard Alix growl. I sniggered.
"Will we be getting to meet the princess? I heard she's stunning." Kim asked. I blushed bright red.
I felt someone tap me in the shoulder, I swiftly turned my head around and found... Adrien!!!
"Hey, Marinette. Are you okay? You've gone a bit red?" He asked. In a sweet soft tone. Oh how I wish he felt the same way about me.
"Oh um eh y-yes course of." I say and gave him a thumbs up.
"You mean of course right?" He laughed. I'm so stupid!
"Yes. That is what I meant." I say nervously. I admit, I sounded a bit like a robot. He patted  my shoulder and went to stand next to Nathaniel.
"Maybe. I know that she is visiting the houses in the lower half of the village, the day before her coronation, we might be able to catch her." Miss Bustier said, looking at me incase I didn't want that information to be said in front of my class. I have a quick nod of approval and smiled.
"Anymore questions?" She asked. No one put their hand up.
"Nope? Okay then. Go ahead do what you want, it is 4:30 now, I expect you all to be back for supper at 6:30pm. Don't be late and dress appropriately." She said, then walked to do a little exploring of her own.
It was only the four of us now. Alya, Nino, Adrien and me. I really wanted to show Alya my outfit for tonight but I couldn't leave the boys.
"Hey guys, how bout we check our bedrooms out? I heard they're the most comfortable beds in China, made with the purest silk." Nino said. I lit up at the idea. Mainly cause I designed the bed covers and partially helped in the making of them.
"They sound so cool. Let's go." Adrien said and smiled at us all. I almost fainted. I just smiled and lead the way.
I guess it was kind of a mini tour cause they were all the way at the top of the stairs.
"Woah, guys wait. I need a second. To. Breathe." Alya complained. I rolled my eyes. She's already been up here, she wasn't this tired. It was literally like 3 seconds before she had her 'mini breather' and carried on.
We finally, made it to the doors. Father was right. Except we had 16 doors. Not 15. I shrugged.
"Well. Welcome to the guest rooms" I smile. I open the door and I'm pretty sure I heard their jaws drop to the floor. Alya hasn't been here before so I think she's impressed too.
It's so quiet I think I heard crickets. I laugh.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" I say, breaking the silence.
"omg omg omg! it's amazing!!! ifs so beautiful." Alya screams. The boys all nod their heads not saying a thing.
"And, all the sheets are made from pure silk. There's even a colour for everyone." I smirk.
"what?" Adrien asked me, confused.
"Well, the princess said for people to know which bed is theirs, they should has a colour. And, she also made a colour chart that's on the wall." I said. Pointing to the wall next to the door. I'm impressed at how professional I made the chart look.
"The list is in alphabetical order, but for some reason the beds aren't in that order. You see?" I say, stepping aside for them too look.
It said,
Adrien-Green  Alix-Teal
Alya-Orange  Chloe-Yellow
Ivan-Black  Juleka-Purple
Kim-Red  Lila-Brown
Max-Cyan  Mylene-Magenta
Nathaniel-Grey  Nino-Blue
Rose-Pink  Sabrina-White
"Wait. What about you Mari? Why aren't you on here?" Nino asked me. I started to panic.
"Eh-because I am- I am... probably just going to go home." I smile nervously.
"Oh. Well, we will tell you how comfortable the beds!" Nino laughed.
"Can we explore a bit more of the palace? This place looks huge I really want to see all of it." Adrien asked excitedly. I smile and nod.
*1 hour later*
"Dude! This place is so cool." Nino gasped. It didn't really take us an hour to explore the entire castle. It took us about 35 minutes but Nino and Alya wanted to go to the gardens and they sort of got lost.
"Guys it's 5:30. We should really be getting ready. It takes me ages to. So I'm going to leave now. I'll see you guys at dinner." I say as I wave goodbye.
"Bye Mari!" I hear them say. I try and run the opposite direction from my bedroom to make nino and Adrien think I'm going 'home' and try to loop back around.
It took a few minutes but I managed it. I walked into my room and went straight to the buzzer. There was a colour code and I forgot who's who, until I saw the initials on the button. I pressed the yellow one with the initials AE which is Amberle, land the purple KL which is Kitania.
"Good evening princess." The Amberle and Kitania said through the monitor.
"Hello. I need some assistance, getting ready for dinner if you don't mind." I asked.
"Of course. We'll be right up." They said.
"Thank you!" I let go of the speaker and turn it off.
I undress and slip into my robe and slippers. I sit on my couch that is joined into the windowsill. It feels like ages, I'm just sitting there watching the people in the gardens or staring at the city lights. I suddenly hear two knocks.
"Come in!" I shout. Kitania came into my room with a few new dresses whilst Amberle headed straight for my wardrobe.
"Okay your highness. Alfredo, created three new dresses for you, but if you do not like those we have some of your favourites." Kitania said as she laid them on my bed. I smile excitedly.
"Okay try dress 1 on." She said, handing me a pastel pink dress that looked quite tight-fitting. I nod and head behind my changing curtain.

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