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I woke up to the Pilot, telling us we only had 3 more hours till we land. Alya was still snoring her head off I couldn't help but take pictures. She looked so comfy I didn't want to wake her. I was so lonely, that I ordered some more food. I was starving!
"Mademoiselle. What would you like to eat?" The waiter asked.
"Um could I have a chicken, bacon, and sweetcorn pasta?" I asked. I was quite picky today for some reason.
"Of course. Anything else?" He asked. I looked at the menu up and down.
"Could I have a lemonade please?" I asked. I really wanted a lemonade with a lemon. They just taste and look so much better!
"Sure. Your food will be ready soon." He said then walked away. I could literally hear my stomach growling. And before I knew it I had my food infront of me. It looked so delicious. It was presented so nicely. It was on a white, china plate. It wasn't messy at all. It also had little green leaves on the top and mixed with mayonnaise. And my drink was served with a red and black curly straw and had a lemon and lime on the side of the glass. Besides that fact that it looked amazing, it tasted even better! It was also really healthy!
By the time Alya woke up I was almost finished with my meal.
"How long left until we land?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes. She looked such a mess. Her hair was all over the place and her clothes were all creased. I nearly choked on my drink when I saw her.
"The fight attendant said about half an hour ago that there was about 3hours left so I reckon about 2 and a half hours." I shrugged.
"Ah okay. Can I have a drink? My throats so dry." She asked. I nodded and passed her my drink along with the other curly straw that was black and purple. She quickly took a sip and gave me it back.
"While i go and film some stuff for the my new blog-" She started.
"New blog?" I asked. I knew she wanted to be a journalist but I didn't think she would create a blog!
"Yeah. It's called the Ladyblog. I think it'll be a great way to start my career!" She did enthusiastically. She laughed.
"can you order me something to eat while I film then?" She asked as she started to take her phone and headphones from her bag.
"Sure what would you like?" I asked as I passed her the menu.
"Eh can I have the cheese toasty with the salad and get me a Diet Coke?" She asked while passing me the money ad menu. I nodded and she smiled and walked away to film. I got quite bored of waiting for Alya to come back and then them extra few hours of waiting to land so I decided to listen to some music on my phone. I decided to listen to Piano by Ariana Grande! it has honestly because my favourite song ever, it's so amazing. I must've started to sing because a boy, who looked about my age came and tapped on my shoulder. I took one of my earphones out and turned to him.
"Can I help you?" I asked politely. He looked quite nervous. He had light brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and his cheeks matched his lips. A rosy pink colour.
"Ah yes. Well I heard you singing and I though wow. So I um came to see who it was and I saw you. So eh. Hi." He squeaked. I started laughing and reached my hand out.
"Hi. My name is Marinette. Yours?" I introduced myself. He grabbed mine with a soft touch and gave it a friendly shake.
"James. My name is James. How old are you?" He asked me. I smiled.
"I'm 17. What about you?" I said as I turned my song off and he sat down on the other side of me.
"I turned 18 last week. You going to China? Me too!" He said excitedly.
"Yeah! I'm with my Class. We're going to the Princess' coronation. Are you?"
"Yeah. Except I'm with my parents. I can't wait to meet the princess. She's so beautiful. You know, you remind me a lot like her." He said as he looked me up and down. Kinda checking me out. I suddenly felt uncomfortable.
"I do?" I say nervously. What's happening?!
"Yeah. Obviously I haven't seen her since she was 8 years old, but she used to always wear these cute little pigtails and have the most amazing blue eyes that you could instantly fall deep into. Like yours." He said dreamily. I could feel the blush creep along my face.
I'm pretty sure I've never seen this guy in my life. But he hasn't seen me since I was 8 so that was a long 9 years ago. I was about to ask him another question when Alya came along.
"Oooh! Mari who's this hottie?" She said as she walked up to us.
"Uh. Alya, this is James. James, this is my best friend Alya." I say as I lean back into my chair. I have a feeling this could be a long 2 hours.
"Nice to meet you James." Alya said holding her hand out, waiting for him to shake it.
"Nice to meet you also, Alya." He said eventually shaking hands. His gaze swept over Alya and she quickly retreated back to her chair. We got lost in convosation that we didn't even realize that it was only a few minutes till we landed.
"Well, I better be heading back to my seat. Nice to meet you ladies. See ya at the coronation." He waves as he went to the back.
"He's nice." Alya nudged me. I rolled my eyes.
"I have eyes for Adrien, and Adrien only. Now come on, we better get ready to exit the plane." I say as i felt a strange swirling in my stomach. Oh yeah. I forgot. There's a 90% chance I could get assassinated as soon as I get off the plane. Oh and we can't all forget the wonderful photography people. Yay. Can't wait! I say sarcastically in my head.
Hope Y'all are okay with me adding OC
Lotta love guys -Bug xx

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