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The past 3 days had went by so fast, father was already up in his feet and continuing to rule once again!
Of course there were questions about my disappearance from my friends when I left the school so suddenly. I just told them that the princess had asked to see me.
"Hey girl." Alya called walking up to me.
"Oh hey Alya. Where's Nino and Adrien?" I asked.
"Well i last saw Nino with Kim, Alix and Max talking about his new music. Honestly mari, you should hear it, he has some sick tunes. And I think I saw Adrien with Rosé and Juleka in the gardens" Alya explained.
"Come with me, I have something to show you." I say as I grab Alyas arm all the way up to my bedroom.
"What's up?" Alya asked confused.
"Okay, so you know how I have my kitty Plagg?" I said.
"Yeah? Speaking of him, where is he?" Alya asked.
"Go inside." I said.
As Alya pushed he door open, I heard a little gasp.
There sitting on my bed was my adorable little kitten Plagg, only he wasn't alone. A black cat red eyes was lying next to Plagg on my bed. She was a little smaller than Plagg but had the softest fur.
"Alya, I'd like you to meet Tikki. She's the kitty that I keep here in China rather than Paris. It's been a while since Plagg and Tikki have seen eachother so I thought it'd be nice for them to reunite." I said as Alya went over to them instantly.
"Marinette! She's adorable." Alya squealed. I laughed.
"Isn't she?!" I said and went to sit down next to them.
"Have Adrien and Nino seen her yet?" Alya asked, stroking Tikki.
"Not yet, but I think I might start letting the two wander around the castle for a little. They only ever are allowed into the gardens or my bedroom. But since I'm queen in like 2 days, I get to make the rules." I smiled and kissed the top of Tikkis head.
"Okay, should we go meet everyone now? I think we're going into the town and going to buy stuff." Alya asked heading towards my door.
"Oh, I can't. I need to speak with my father about something. Make something up for me?" I pleaded.
"Ah girl!! sure but only if you promise that you will eventually tell the guys your secret. This is getting too much." Alya sighed. I know how she feels. I don't like lying to them either but I have to.
"Of course, but at the moment I don't really have a choice. Love you girl." I said before we parted ways.
For some reason, I can't help but get that boy I met in her closet a while ago, off my mind.
The softness of his lips, his calming voice. I really want to know who he is. I need to!
I find myself infront if fathers door and immediately put that guy at the back of my mind. I gently knock on fathers door twice.
"Come in." I hear him say.
"It's just me papa." I smile and give him a hug.
"Oh, hello my love. Anything I can do for you?" He asked. I didn't realize how much I missed him. I smile.
"Actually yes. I was wondering if you know when I'm going to be able to choose my dress for my coronation?" I asked. It's in two days and I have nothing to wear yet.
"Ah. I don't know about any of that but I think your mother does. Maybe ask her?" She kissed my forehead.
"Okay, thanks anyways father." I left and went to venture off and find maman.
It took a while. But I eventually found her with josh.
"So I was thinking maybe around 40-50 guards? We certainly don't want what happened last time at Elise's coronation to happen again..." I heard her say before I interrupt.
"Uhm maman?" I ask, trying to not be rude.
"I'll find you later on josh." She said as she waved him off. "How can I help you dear?"
"I was wondering when I could choose my dress?" I asked.
"Oof. Right on time actually. Once I was sorted with josh, I was going to come find you. Alexander had given me 4 dressed for you to try on and 4 pairs of shoes. We already have your jewelry." Maman said. I was so pleased!
"That's great. Can I try them on?" I asked.
"I've had Kitania bring it up to you're room. I'll meet you there shortly." Maman smiled and walked away.
I don't think I've ever been this excited to have new outfits!
And especially from Alexander! He's the most amazing designer, when I was younger if I wasn't royalty I wanted to be a fashion designer just like him. It kind of broke my heart when I found out that I was to rule China. It didn't seem fair at the time but I was quite excited about it too. I went straight to my room and waited for Kitania to show me the dresses.
It seemed like hours before she got here but in reality it was only about 3 minutes. I heard 6 gentle taps on the door in a sort of rhythm and I immediately knew it was her. I have a certain tune and amount of knocks for all of my maids.
"Come in Kitania!" I shouted, loud but not loud enough for the whole castle to hear.
"I have your dresses and shoes, princess." Kitania curtsied as she came in with my outfits.
"Yay! Quickly now, I've been so excited!" I say smiling.
"You should be! These dresses are stunning." She smiled.
She laid the outfits on my chair.

These dresses were exquisite! I adored every single one of them, but only one called my name

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These dresses were exquisite!
I adored every single one of them, but only one called my name. But of course I tried all of them on.
Dress number 1 was a white lace, and was so comfortable. It did look like a wedding dress but by the kind of fabrics you could tell it wasn't. I loved it.
"What about this Kitania?" I said as I twirled around.
"Gorgeous Marinette! I love it!" She squealed excitedly.
Dress number 2 was so stunning. It was a blush pink and also had a little bit of lace on. The skirt was a smooth silk too. I didn't love it as much as I did the first one but it was still a beautiful creation.
"I'm not feeling this one." I say as I showed Kitania the dress.
"Me neither, but you're still beautiful!" Kitania said, I blushed at the compliment.
The third and final dress was so so cute! It was a light blue sheer fabric and covered up the hop of my arms. It was so amazing. I loved how comfortable it was too.
"I quite like this." I said and revealed this too her.
"Stunning. I really like it too." She smiled at me.
"I think I know which dress I want now." I smiled widely.
"Which is??" She asked.
"Dress number 1. I cant help it. It's just so beautiful. The fabrics, the way it feels, the way it looks. It's the most gorgeous dress I think I've ever had!" I squeal.
"A prefect choice!" Kitania laughed. "Okay we still have shoes to pick. So quickly put on the dress and I'll lay out the shoes for you." She said and I quickly did as I was told.

The moment I saw them all, I knew which one I wanted

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The moment I saw them all, I knew which one I wanted. It literally screamed 'Marinette' it was so me!
"Is here any point in trying them on? I mean they're all gorgeous but the ones that will go perfectly with my dress would probably be the 3rd pair." I said.
"Me too. Marinette, you're going to be so beautiful." Kitania smiled.
"Thank you! Can you tell mother that I have my outfits ready?" I asked.
"Of course." Kitania bowed before leaving. I finally feel complete. I was almost sure that nothing could ruin my day.
_________________________________________ a/n
I haven't posted since April!!!
so sorry for the wait, but I'm in school break before I move into year 10 so I'll try and post as much as I can.
I was feeling nice and decided to not leave you on a cliffhanger :) :)
i really want you guys to be honest with me and would like you guys to leave some stuff that I could maybe improve on or something?
and maybe some suggestions of what books you'd like to read from me next??
have a lovely day/night💡

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