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*adrien pov*
The coronation was tomorrow and everyone was going insane!
Maids were rushing around decorating the throne room and the ballroom, the chefs were busy making all the delicious looking food, security doing a few more checkups and all of the class were going crazy! We were finally going to see the royal family, which for some reason, there are no photos of. Not even any portraits. Most of the class found that a bit odd except Alya and Marinette. They didn't even take notice.
Since we only have 4 days left here, Marinette suggested that we go to the pool which we all thought was a brilliant idea since it was such a hot day! Plus, Marinette in a bikini! C'mon who on earth would give up the opportunity to see her like that! She would look gorgeous!
We all went down and everyone got changed. Alix was in a black, pink and green one piece, Kim was in red and blue swim shorts and max was in a plain pair of black swim shorts with blue lines on.
Chloe was in a yellow and black striped two piece that revealed...a lot of her flesh let's just say. Sabrina was in a purple and white one piece that had little daisys as straps. Mylene and Ivan were matching. Mylene was in a grey and pink one piece and Ivan was in grey swim shorts with a slights faded pink band around the bottoms. Everyone thought they were the cutest couple.
Juleka was in a plain purple one piece and rose was in a neon pink two piece with purple flowers dotted around. I was looking at everyone coming out and no sign of Marinette, Alya or Nino.
Next was Nathaniel to come out. His shorts were simple but cool. He had orange shorts on that matched his hair and had white stripes.
Finally, after what seemed like hours of waiting, Nino and Alya comes out.
Nino was in white shorts that showed off his tan and had the word 'dope' in black on the front pocket.
Alya looked really pretty in hers. She was wearing light blue two piece with little clouds all over. There were a few rainbows on too.
"Hey Al, where Mari?" I asked. She gave a me a little smirk.
"Don't worry she's coming now, lover boy" and winked at me as she walked away to the rest of the group with Nino following her.
As soon as she left Marinette walked out and oh my days. She was the most beautiful human being there. Absolutely stunning. She was wearing a red two piece that had black spots dotted around and was in a halter neck style and had a criss-cross back. It showed off her figure amazingly. who knew marinette had a six pack?!
"Wow Marinette! You look amazing!" I said, star struck.
"Thanks Adrien!" Marinette blushed and gave a little giggle as she walked past me, over to Alya and Nino.
She whispered something to Alya and then started running towards the pool. they dived in and it was the most amazing thing ever. they looked so amazing and too see them DIVE! marinette looked so angelic. i could reply that moment over and over again in my mind and never get bored.
nino gave me a little nudge as to tell me that i've been staring at the girls for far too long and it's becoming a bit creepy.
everyone went crazy when they saw marinette though.
"marinette?! since when did you get that six pack?" kim said in shock. marinette rolled her eyes.
"why? jealous?" she replied sarcastically.
"oof." alix cried out in laughter. "for real though, how did you get that?"
"i work out a little. just a hobby i guess." marinette said as she dragged alya towards us.
"alya. you look good too!" nino said. i swear i saw alya blush.
"haha thanks nino, you too." alya smiled.
it was a nice moment.
alya and nino together, me and marinette together. it was perfect until some dude came over. i think it was the same guy from last night. he took marinette away to 'talk'.
i did realize that he couldn't keep his eyes of marinette. i mean who could but his gaze...lowered. and stayed there for quite awhile. hmm. somethings off with him but i don't know what.
sorry for being away for so long and not publishing. i had no wifi for nearly 2 months and then wattpad wouldn't let me write even then so it's a short chapter but i hoped it makes up from my absence.
i have so many good ideas for new stories i can't wait to share with you.
have the best day ever and enjoy the 6weeks💞💞💞

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