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"Please just tell me." I say. Mother sighed and held my hand tightly...
"Well, as you know in a few days time you will be the crowned Queen of China. And you must continue this bloodline and help out when your at your weakest." Mother spoke carefully. I think I know what this is leading to but I must know from her.
"Your father and I have discussed it, and think it's time, not just yet of course, but in a few years time...get married." She said. I didn't speak a word. The room was quiet. Mother and Father were waiting patiently for me to say something. But what could I say? I mean c'mon. It's not everyday to get told that you have to marry someone to continue this bloodline of Chinese royalty. I don't need a man to help me continue it or help me rule MY OWN country. I feel the anger inside of me. I see that father has noticed it aswell as he starts to shuffle away. I get up so fast I get a slight whiplash.
"I DO NOT need any man to help me sustain my rule as QUEEN nor shall I need him to help me with anything. This is outrageous. You shouldn't be making these sort of decisions for me. I need to make them myself and I have decided that I will not need any man or woman interfering with my life." I yell. loud but not loud enough for everyone outside to hear.
"Darling, listen to us. We know what's right for this country. It's need you and whoever you wish to marry, as long as we approve though, to help it stay strong and powerful." Father says. He's right but I don't know what to do. I roll my eyes and sigh.
"When?" I ask. I don't want to be married too young I'm only seventeen.
"In a few years time around twenty-one? Do you have to pick and get to know him?
"I get to pick yes?" I raise my eyebrows. They look at each other then back to me and nod.
"But, we must approve of this man. You get to pick as long as he will do this country good." Mother smiles. I huff.
"Okay then. I'll marry whoever it is." I say unpleased. They smile and stand up to hug me.
"You are making the right decision my gorgeous daughter." Mother says.
"Mhm. Always do mother." I say.
"Okay. We better head back to the castle and set up for the coronation!" Mother says excitedly to father.
"Cole!" Mom yells. He comes rushing in.
"Yes you majesty's?" He bows.
"Is it safe to return to our home?" Father asks. He touches his ear and speaks to someone through his ear piece and nods.
"Great! Tomorrow, you will take Marinette back to her friends and she may do whatever she would like." Father pats me on the shoulder. I smile up at him.
"Of course sir. Let's get you all home." Cole winks at me before leading us out of the safe house and back to our castle.
It's the second time I've been home today and I've still missed it so much. I stride past all the servants and maids who are wandering the halls of my home, greeting them and having little chats with them before I reach my bedroom. I burst through my door and jump onto my bed. The softness of my blankets comfort me. The scent of lavender on my pillows gave me great joy. I smile and think how great it is to be back. I do miss Parish though. I get up and check the time. 19:45pm. Not early but not late. I have a little think about what to do next. I came up with a brilliant idea whilst I was in the car but will have to come up with and even more brilliant cover story, which I shall present to my friends tomorrow. Should I sleep and get ready for that? Or go downstairs and have supper then a shower?
I decide to have supper and a shower then get ready for bed.
I missed the chefs cooking. I've missed him too. He was my bestfriend when I was younger. He is so nice to me he lets me snack on little bits of chocolate when he's baking cakes or something sweet related.
I run downstairs and go to see him. I Knock at the door. Four little taps. He opens the door and smiles at me.
"Princess!" He says laughing.
"Hello Frankie!" I say and give him a hug.
"I've missed you so much! How are you?" I ask. It's been a long time since I've seen him.
"Very good princess. You are just in time to taste my special soup I have made for your return. And, an extra , extra special desert for you!" Frankie says.
"That's great! Looking forward to it. I have to go now. Just give me a shout when foods ready okay?" I smile and he nods.
"Good seeing you princess!" He should as I wave him goodbye. I go back to my bedroom and set out some of my comfiest and favourite pajamas. I already hear that dinners ready. I shut my door and go downstairs.
-time skip, after dinner&desert-
I wipe my mouth.
"That was delicious Frankie!" Mother says.
"Thank you, your majesty." Frankie says. Mother turns to me.
"Okay. Time for your shower then bed. It's already so late." Mom laughs. I nod and run upstairs and turn my shower on. I quickly take off my clothes and jump in. It's so relaxing. Feeling the hot water hit my face, soaking my hair. I yawn. It's making me even more tired. I wash my hair and body then step out and get ready for bed.

My emoji pajamas are probably my favourite

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My emoji pajamas are probably my favourite. I get one of my maids to do my hair. They put it into two french braids wet. I couldn't be bothered to dry if tonight. I hop into bed, turn my fairy lights on, and close my eyes.
Haiii! It's been a while since I've posted and I don't know if this is good but I'm getting closer to the actual good part soon so stay tuned. Is already started the next chapter cause I got some inspiration from my doctor (weird way to get it but yunno)
Thank you for all of the nice comments I love you all sooo much Xx

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